Which is the Best Way to Hack Someone’s Facebook?
The best way to hack into someone’s Facebook is the one where you don’t give yourself away. However, we are going to explain two proven ways to gain access to someone’s Facebook. The first one is an app, Cocospy, and the second one is using a key logger.
We will explain both of them in detail and deduce which one is the best.
Have you tried to hack Facebook Online and failed? Don’t worry; you won’t fail if you use Cocospy. We will give you a brief guide about this Facebook hacking app and tell you how to use it.
What is CocoSpy?
It’s a social media hacking app. This app is just as effective as hacking tactics like phishing and keylogging. This app is reviewed by world-renowned publications with the likes of Forbes, New York Times, CNET, Fortune, and others. Every single one of these publications has praised this app. It is used and supported by millions of users around the world.
This app helps you do much more than just breaking into someone else social media account. It lets you keep track of them with Live GPS location, see their contacts and browser history, have access to their address book with calendar, read their messages, get hold of their with remote access.
The story doesn’t end here; you can Track and Record their live calls, SMS, and Email. Apart from logging into their Social Media Accounts, you can also track it in real time.
We still haven’t mentioned the best thing about Cocospy. You don’t have to worry about whether you use iOS or Android. Why? It’s because Cocopsy doesn’t need you to root or jailbreak your device. It’s made for the general user, so it’s easy to use and install.
How to Use it?
This app helps you to keep track of someone. There is no complex and long process involved in setting this app; it helps to save your effort and time if you want to keep tabs on someone.
Download it from the official website and install it. You have to note the fact you will need to install it on both your and the target’s device. To do that, you will have to access the target’s device physically. Don’t worry; the installation will only take a minute. Just make sure you hide this app in the end.
For the best results, you better buy the premium version. It will come with several new features that you will find useful.
We just included a screenshot of how you can spy on social media of the target. You can see their messages, contacts and other activities like comments and like
The app features an easy to use interface. You won’t have any issue using it. In case there is some troubleshooting, you can refer to the brief guide that comes with every app.
Key logger
If you want to break into someone else Facebook account, then you can easily do it with the help of a key logger. This is another app; however it’s different than Cocospy. This app is installed on the target device. Once done, you have to open it and hide it.
This app works in their background and consumes the least amount of resources. This way, the target will have a hard time finding this app. It records every single keystroke that has been entered on the target device.
This helps you to find out their login details. These apps are light and thus are very discrete. You have to set up the app with both your and target device and assure you are getting feedback on what has been entered into the target device.
Once you start receiving the input, you have to be patient and wait for the target to put their information formation. Keep tabs on them, and you will find out the information you see very soon. Just make sure you find a reliable key logging app that works with both iPhone and Android.
You shouldn’t have any issue finding a key logger app for free. But you will have to wait for a really long time before you get actionable data. This is not the case with Cocospy. Yes, you do end you pay a premium, but it’s worth the cost considering you get the data you want right after you launch this ap. So, yes Cocospy is worth the high premium cost.