What You Need To Know About Hiring a Live-in Housekeeper
When you’re just starting, it can feel like any extra expense is too much. But live-in housekeepers are a worthwhile investment — they provide necessary services that are otherwise difficult to get around to doing, such as laundry, dusting, vacuuming, and other cleaning tasks.
What is a live-in housekeeper?
Live-in housekeepers, also known as housekeepers, are paid employees who work in your home on a full-time basis. These employees typically live in the house and perform a variety of domestic tasks and services. Some live-in housekeepers also take care of errands and activities, such as grocery shopping, cooking, and preparing meals. Live-in housekeepers work for a flat rate, regardless of the size of your home or the amount of time they work.
Are there benefits to hiring a live-in housekeeper?
Live-in housekeepers are great for people who don’t have the time or ability to keep up with daily chores at home or for those who need help caring for their home because of an illness or disability. For example, if you’re working full-time, out of town for long periods, or have a family to care for, live-in housekeepers can help you keep your home tidy. However, if you rely on family members to help out with cleaning, they may not always be available, or you may feel it’s unfair to ask them for help.
Live-in housekeepers may also make you more efficient and save you time. They can handle the small, repetitive jobs that you don’t have the time to do on your own. And because they live in your home, they know where everything is and what needs to be done. As a result, you may waste less time moving from room to room or item to item.
What else should I know about hiring a live-in housekeeper?
Keep in mind that there are potential drawbacks to hiring live-in staff. First, the workload may be too much for one person, so you may want to hire two or three housekeepers. If you have kids, they may not be used to seeing a live-in housekeeper. If you have teenagers, they may want more freedom than typical housekeepers can provide. Avoid potential problems by being clear about your expectations and spending time with your children to help them adjust.
You’ll also want to make sure you have a clear agreement in place with your live in housekeeper. Your agreement should include details about responsibilities, hours, and compensation. Housekeepers should also have a place to eat, sleep and relax in your home.
Before you hire a live-in housekeeper, it’s essential to check into their background and verify their references. You also may want to check their employment history to see how they’ve handled previous positions. In addition, speak to neighbors, friends, and other people who have known the housekeeper for a while. They will be able to tell you about the housekeeper’s behavior and personality.
As always, the last step before hiring a live-in housekeeper is to meet them in person. Talking with the person face-to-face can help you get a more precise idea of their character and personality traits. It also can allow you to ask questions and make sure you’re comfortable with them.