What You Need to Know about at-Home STD Testing
Regardless of the reason for seeking out a test, thinking you may have an STD can be stressful. Depending on where you live, you may be able to get tests for free, or you may need to pay for them, but did you know you can also get at-home STD testing? If you’re thinking about getting a test, then most likely, you should. Leaving an STD for too long can result in infertility, permanent damage, or worse. There are a few reasons you may be thinking about getting tested:
- You recently had unprotected sex.
- A partner or ex-partner has told you that they have an STD.
- You’ve started dating someone new and aren’t sure about their sexual history.
- You’ve noticed symptoms that may suggest you have an STD.
One way to get tested is to book in with a local doctor, and have them test you. This is a perfectly normal thing to do, and while you should always try to talk to a doctor if you think you have a health issue, it may not be practical at the time. For other people, the idea of going to the doctors and speaking to someone about what can be a difficult subject may fill them with dread. If this is the case, then getting an at-home kit may be a solution.
What do you need to know about at-home STD tests?
The first thing you should do when thinking about getting an at-home STD test is to congratulate yourself. It’s a very mature and positive decision to make, and one that some people don’t have the foresight to do. Sexual health can be a difficult thing to think and talk about, but it’s important to begin removing the stigma around it. The more that people know and talk about sexual health, the better off everyone will be. Having a mature relationship with sexual health will benefit both you and any current or future partners you have, and you’ll be able to avoid any potential issues by dealing with things properly. If you need to get a test by using an at-home kit, you can find them at selfcollect.com.
Getting a test is always worth it.
In general, a simple blood or urine test is all that’s needed to identify if you have a sexually transmitted disease or not. This means you can very quickly and easily find out if you have an STD, and take the necessary actions to deal with it. If you’re reading this, then you most likely already think you may have caught something. This isn’t a nice feeling, but once you’ve been tested and have the facts, you can start taking steps to deal with it. It’s also important to note that most STDs can be treated with over-the-counter antibiotics. By simply taking some medication, you can leave it in the past.