Traits That May Lead To Criminal Behavior
Criminal behavior is a complex and broad concept. There is a whole history to this aspect of human behavior. It is often very tough to get a clear explanation of this notion. A criminal act may occur when the criminal has a motive, the means to commit the crime, and a chance. One way to understand criminal behavior is to get to the root cause of why they committed a certain crime. If we can get to know the need for a crime, we can gain insight into how a criminal behaves. A criminal’s needs are related to the behaviors or traits of a criminal’s thought process. Certain crime-stimulating factors compel a person to walk the path of a crime.
People are not born criminals, but biology can be used to identify early signs of criminal behavior. It is true that parents indeed pass on their physical traits to their children, so it is possible to pass on some psychological traits. A criminal’s mind is a place where no one can look into. It’s a curious mystery that crime specialists and forensic experts have been out to solve since the earliest times. The interest in criminology has been rising rapidly. A forensic psychologist may play an essential role in it. The demand for these professionals is increasing rapidly.
Individuals who want to join forensic psychology as a career have an opportunity to join an online degree along with their current job. Aspirants can opt for an online forensic psychology degree, which allows them to work simultaneously with their studies. People have been more inclined towards these kinds of subjects to figure out the root causes of criminal behavior.
Criminogenic needs are the traits that lead to criminal behavior. We can classify criminogenic needs in the following ways:
1. Dysfunctional Family Background
The family provides the environment where a child grows up to be an adult. We can say that the role of the family in a person’s personality and behavior is critical. One cannot deny the need for supportive and empathetic family members in life. Emotional damage or abuse caused by family has long-lasting effects that can turn into criminogenic traits, ultimately leading to a person indulging in criminal behavior. Suppose there is a history of criminal activities in the family or lack of communication. In that case, it can take a toll on a person’s behavior. It also becomes one of the most common traits of criminal behavior.
2. Criminal Peers
The people one surrounds themselves with play a huge role in shaping the behavior. Having peers who are criminals is a common trait. One can easily enter a drug circle in school, and this can make drugs a habit. The pressure to fit into a peer group may lead a person to do impulsive things. It starts with drugs, and a person can easily be introduced to the world of crime by their peers.
3. Anti-Social Values
This trait is related to the criminal’s thought process. The way they rationalize their actions and convince themselves that what they did was not their fault but someone else’s. They blame others for their behavior and show no regret or guilt. They find whatever reason they can to justify their actions and believe that what they did was right.
4. Substance Abuse
Drugs or alcohol abuse is one of the biggest roadblocks on the path to a healthy and normal life. Once a person starts, it is almost impossible to stop, and eventually, before they realize it, their lives are over. Criminals usually have a history of substance abuse. They consume drugs and alcohol in large quantities with no intention to stop.
5. Low Self-Control
A person who cannot control their behavior and actions has low self-control. They do impulsive things without giving it much thought. They do things because they felt like it or wanted to do it. Criminals often have this trait as they fail to control their negative actions and harmful behavior because they have a low self-control level. They fail to make sense of their actions because they cannot control their anger and temperament.
6. Anti-Social Behavior
We can see this trait in the early stages of a criminal’s life. The common issues that parents may ignore can be an underlying criminal trait. Rebellious behavior like skipping school, having fights, lack of friends’ circle, lying, hurting animals or breaking stuff, and taking hold of weapons like knives or guns are alarming signs.
Final Words
Identifying criminal traits early on in an individual’s by looking into their family history or genes can be very useful. It may stop many crimes from taking place in the future. These traits may also be used to correct criminal behavior and lead the criminals down to a path of success and health by taking appropriate measures using the traits mentioned above. It may help them from relapsing again in the future. Fully grasping the complexities and thought processes inside a criminal’s mind is very hard. Still, with modern technology and the evolving education system, it is not impossible anymore.