October is here and the 31 is approaching and with it come the pumpkins, candies, candles and many great costumes. Divas, this post will help you look the best at the next Halloween party and here you can see 22 spooky Halloween makeup ideas. With these makeup ideas you can make yourself look as scary as possible.
Don’t know what you’re being for Halloween yet? Don’t worry—you and thousands of others are in the same boat, so why not take the pressure off by starting with cool Halloween makeup ideas for 2014?
Must See : DIY Halloween Decor Ideas
Halloween is the best time to get creative with makeup because a) you wouldn’t be allowed to do this at work and b) you can transform yourself into a freakin’ zombie (or whatever you want) for a whole evening (or two or three ’cause all of those parties, right?)
The other upside to doing your own Halloween makeup? You can apply those skills to your daily beauty routine (minus the shredded skin and blood, of course).
See Also – Halloween Costume Ideas 2014
Enjoy, Halloween Makeup Ideas.
How to create a cat make-up for Halloween?
First, you should buy yourself a pair of green, cat-a-like contact lenses. Afterward, pursue to make-up J.
Apply, as in previous make-ups, moisturizing cream and foundation and powder. Try to create a soft shadow on your cheeks with a blush. Using a slanted brush if you have one (if you don’t, your regular blush brush will be fine), apply bronzer below your cheekbones and blend downward.
Eyes make-up: when it comes to cat eyes make-up, you can fantasize, the eye shadow is up to you. If you want a bright-eyed cat look, opt for shades that are close to your own skin tone, but shimmery. If you want to be a true sexy kitten, use smoky grays, charcoals, and blacks. If you do go for the smoky look, don’t forget to line your bottom lash line with a deep, sultry shade. You’ll avoid the top-heavy eye makeup look that way. Using fine eyeliner, line your upper lid from the inner corner to the outer, then draw a diagonal line from the edge of your lash line to the dot you made on the outer corner.
When it comes to lips, you can use anything you want, from nude, pink, apricot pink or peachy colors to blood-red. The only thing you should remember when wearing a cat-eye make-up is that you should act like a cat, and be sleek like one!
Vampire make-up for Halloween:
For the perfect vampire make-up, you want a smokey eyes make-up. The trick here is to use eye shadow for the smokey bits, over eyeliner.
First, you have to prepare your face to look morbid, as in whiter than it really is. I suggest using foundation from a costume shop meant for other deathly costumes. Before applying any type of face paint, I suggest slathering your face with a foundation primer or moisturizer.
For eyes make-up, line top and bottom lids heavily with the black liner (liquid or kohl both work well) and contour the crease with a dark gray or black shade. If you prefer the scary look rather than the sexy one, you’ll apply your blue or purple “bruise” colors on top of your foundation, under your eyes.
For your lips, well, what goes better with a sexy vampire than blood-red lipstick? With red lips, whether it’s a normal day or Halloween, you always have to use a liner. It bleeds otherwise. Choose a shade in your natural lip color.
Well, because it goes hand in hand with the vampire look, the next choice for Halloween make-up should be the Gothic make-up.
Gothic make-up ideas for Halloween:
When applying Gothic make-up it is important to always begin with a clean face. Since you will be using tones of make-up that may be heavily pigmented, the make-up will adhere to a face free of dirt, oil, and dead skin cells. Also, you have to remember to moisturize your face skin, and use foundation and even powder, so the dark colored make-up won’t penetrate your skin cells.
Achieving Goth is more of an attitude than a make-up style. Done badly, Gothic make-up can look painfully stupid. First you will want your face to look pale, not made up with a lot of white make-up so use a very light (pale) creamy foundation and apply a light color translucent powder.
For eyes, what do you need to know: liquid eyeliner makes a smooth, sharp line, but it can be tricky to work with; a steady hand is a must. For a great smoky look, use a pencil liner dipped in matching eyeshadow. Of course, you can never go wrong with black eyeliner!
If you draw thick lines around the entire eye, your eyes will look smaller so, don’t join the lines in the corners, or line only the bottom half of your lower lid. You can also line the top and bottom lids in different colors. White eyeliner on the inside of your bottom lid will make your eyes look bigger and brighter.
Regarding your lips, Gothic make-up palettes border on deeper, less traditional colors, so feel free to use maroon, burgundy and blood-red hues. In addition to the most popular red lipstick choice, you can opt for an ethereal and cold choice by wearing a silver or muted blue hue.
Clothing for Gothic make-up can be fun and sexy. Look for velvet and velour. Laces, corsets, boots, and feminine jackets are always fun to wear to create harmony in the Gothic style.
How to create a cat make-up for Halloween?
First, you should buy yourself a pair of green, cat-a-like contact lenses. Afterward, pursue to make-up J.
Apply, as in previous make-ups, moisturizing cream and foundation and powder. Try to create a soft shadow on your cheeks with a blush. Using a slanted brush if you have one (if you don’t, your regular blush brush will be fine), apply bronzer below your cheekbones and blend downward.
Eyes make-up: when it comes to cat eyes make-up, you can fantasize, the eye shadow is up to you. If you want a bright-eyed cat look, opt for shades that are close to your own skin tone, but shimmery. If you want to be a true sexy kitten, use smoky grays, charcoals, and blacks. If you do go for the smoky look, don’t forget to line your bottom lash line with a deep, sultry shade. You’ll avoid the top-heavy eye makeup look that way. Using fine eyeliner, line your upper lid from the inner corner to the outer, then draw a diagonal line from the edge of your lash line to the dot you made on the outer corner.
When it comes to lips, you can use anything you want, from nude, pink, apricot pink or peachy colors to blood-red. The only thing you should remember when wearing a cat-eye make-up is that you should act like a cat, and be sleek like one!
Removing make-up
You have to know another important thing: when it comes to removing make-up from the Halloween night you have to show real interest in removing any “evidence”. Why?Because all that abundance of make-up will only harm your skin, will fill your pores with substances that eventually lead to skin breakouts and blackheads.
Mineral oil can work with eye makeup that comes off easily. A cotton ball is best whenever it is enough to do the job. Heavy eye makeup can regularly be removed with petroleum jelly and a humid facecloth.
Monitor the skin closely the following couple of days for dry patches, redness or other symptoms of allergic retort.