Tips for Writing Essays in Exams
Writing essay assignment posses a lot of struggle for most students even when one has a deadline of two days to a week. When you have to complete a similar essay in just forty minutes, it officially becomes a crisis for a majority of students. The big question is how many words can you write in 40 minutes? Well, by observing the following tips, you will learn how to write an essay in exam within forty minutes or less. If you consider this challege too complicated there are lot of essay samples online at EssayKitchen, papers, course works and other papers to help you.
Plan and structure
Before beginning to write your essay, you need to have a decisive plan of the process you will follow. The time limit coupled with an adrenaline rush is bound to tempt you to get busy writing immediately. However, take a few minutes and plan your essay. Note down your thesis statement, topic sentences for all your body paragraphs and the conclusion you want to make. it will increase your score, mark and grade according to experts at essaywritingservice.ca and to improve your writing skills.
Time management
Managing time during your exam will ensure you complete both essay and the rest of the examination on time. For instance, let us say you are writing the English exam 2019 that lasts for two hours. It would be wise to spare the last forty minutes for writing the essay. Ensure you quickly work from one section to the other so that you spend sufficient time on each part. Also, use the structure you formulated in the tip above to divide the time accordingly, say, spend ten minutes drafting each paragraph. Digitalization will help you to do it faster as there are advantages in digital writing strategies vs by hand. We recommend to use the best writing software in 2019 to increase your speed.
Do not forget about evidence
Including evidence in your writing is one of the vital tips for writing essays. Each essay requires a collection of evidence such as quotes, statistics, and dates among others to support its premise. You have to ensure that you do not forget to include them. Despite having a good memory, it is advisable to jot down the evidence or keywords to help you remember the evidence. In this way, you are sure of not going blank due to exam tension and wasting time remembering that statistic or date you want to include.
Think of structure
You have already made a structure for your writing now; you have to stick by it. You may feel that the pressure of meeting the deadline is too much and you start writing down points aimlessly in an attempt to fill the page. Avoid this and instead, peel essay structure from the plan you made before beginning your writing to enable you to furnish each paragraph with just enough information.
Keep some theses and some structures
Before getting into the exam room, you need to have a rough idea of different essay structures, as well as, ideas to different essay topics. In most cases, students opt to memorize essay, and in some cases, it works. Nevertheless, in most cases, it becomes disastrous when you forget what you had memorized. It is your choice on which strategy to employ but, ensure you have a couple of ideas on different essays. Also, know how to write an essay in English, as well as, how to format the various essay structures.
Have rest from time to time
Forgetting a point or evidence during an exam is a stressful feeling mainly when you can see the time running out. You can choose to strain your mind to remember, but this is not a good idea as it will only add to your anxiety. Also, it will make your essay challenging to understand and make your arguments weak. Instead, take a couple of minutes to breath and reduce your tension, then come back and continue or move to the next paragraph.
Anchor your essay with keywords to show source material
Different essays will provide source material such as a picture or a quote while others will not. For those that will not, just like the others, they will have a keyword, which will guide you on how to position your argument. To figure out how to identify the keywords, observe the following examples.
One, an exploration of intertextual connections discloses that there is a relationship between context and critical values. Discuss this view using references. In this example, the word discuss is the keyword, which tells you that you need to highlight the issue raised in this statement and back it with examples. Two, how does the book, “The Wars” represent violence. The word how requires you to give all-inclusive examples of the description of violence in this specific book.
Remind yourself and remember
Keeping in mind what the examiner requires from your essay is a tip you should never forget. Instead of writing what you think an examiner expects, make your essay sensible by ensuring whoever will read it will understand what you have written. Make the ideas you are passing along simple, straightforward and demonstrate your understanding of the concepts, in a thought-out and comprehensive manner. Do not pay too much attention to using big words but only communicate your ideas in simple words but clearly.
Succeeding in writing excellent essays in an exam comes down to simple strategies. Be as ready as possible to tackle the composition and device an excellent plan to handle the examination. Ensure you have come up with an approach to manage your time and be relaxed so you can draft an excellent essay like the one you would produce if it were just an assignment. You are now ready to tackle an essay in an exam.