Tips for Vaping in Summer
The high temperatures and humidity that are reached in the summer can play a trick on liquids, coils and other components of the electronic cigarette.
For this reason, we recommend a series of special care so that vaping in summer is as safe and pleasant as it is in any other season of the year.
What care are these? Some very simple and basic details listed below.
The Batteries Should Be Well Protected.
As with mobile phones or any other device, taking care of the batteries of electronic cigarettes in a basic way is essential to extend their useful life, and avoid problems during use.
One of the most important things is to protect the batteries of the vapers from direct sunlight and extreme heat.
The overheating is the main cause of the explosions of the batteries, so under any concept let your mod inside the car or in a space that’s well insulated.
The e-cig can not explode as it would happen to any other electronic device in the same circumstances, but that it would suffer a notable deterioration because lithium-ion batteries can be damaged or reduce their useful life if exposed to temperatures over 35 degrees.
Give Your E-Cig A Break Once In A While.
In addition to the battery overheating due to a focus of intense heat, it may also be caused by prolonged use of the kit on long trips.
As it can be dangerous, it is best to give it a break from time to time to prevent it from downgrading quickly and other major problems. For vapers with integrated batteries, it is ideal to pull a wall charger or recharge it in short intervals before vaping.
Keep Your Vapes Safe.
Have you ever forgotten your vape pen in the car either accidentally or when in a rush?
Normally nothing happens unless when the e-liquid hits either between the windows of the vehicle. If this happens, the consequences can be fatal. The e-liquid breaks down and begins to get rid of its contents eventually clogging the atomizer and coils.
Excessive heat can also lead to the breakdown of the nicotine in the mixture, something that undoubtedly affects the taste. To enjoy the best vaping, make sure you don’t leave the liquid in places with high temperatures.
These precautions can also be applied to full atomizers and resistors that are in contact with the liquid. When traveling on long routes by road or when going to the pool, put it in a fridge or in a thermal bag to keep it safe.
Summing Up
Finally, when you see that the liquid is discolored, even if it is a tad, it is time to get rid of it because it has no solution. Refreshing liquids for a summer full of steam! The most appropriate and refreshing liquids to combat summer temperatures are those that have menthol, lemon, and tropical touches.
Beyond these tips, the rest of the minimum care is to treat electronic cigarettes with care, protect them from bumps, dirt or bad conditions. Keep them in cool and dry places.