Steps to Take When Choosing A Care Home for Your Loved One
Choosing the right care home for your loved one can be an upsetting time and feel like a blur. We are here to give you a short step by step guide on how to go about making your choice.
Step 1: Contact Age UK on 0800 678 1602
Age UK has a free helpline you can call and ask them any questions. Lines are open 8 am – 7 pm 365 days a year. Age UK have helped thousands of people in the same situation as you, so they will understand how you are feeling and how they can best help you. Feel free to ask any questions and phone as often as you need to.
Step 2: Assess the Level of Help
Your doctor will be able to assess the level of help your relative or friend needs. This will give a good idea of which care home they might need to go into. They might need a specialized dementia care home, for example, which provides specialized care to those people suffering from the illness. They have more dementia-friendly facilities and specially trained staff. Some care homes, like this care homes in Waltham Abbey, specialize in several things so make sure you read up on them.
Step 3: Speak to the Person Moving
This will be an upsetting time or a stressful one for all concerned. It is a big deal and not something to take lightly. The person who is moving into the care home is likely to have a whole mix of emotions. Speaking carefully and kindly about what to expect is the best way to help them through the process. Being clear about what they will expect is important. Find a few care homes and check out their websites to show your elderly friend or relative what facilities they should expect. Many care homes now offer services such as beauty therapy, spa treatments, and cinema rooms.
Step 4: Go to the Home
Go to the home you like the most, or check out a few. Meet the care manager and have a look around. Get a sense of the feel of the place and think whether your relative would be happy there. Take photos and videos if you are able to show to your relative, or better still, take them on the tour with you. If you give them an option of a few places, you can give them the decision. They deserve to have a say about where they are going to live, especially if they don’t suffer from a mental illness or troubles.
Step 5: Visit
Make sure you visit often when your relative moves into a care home. It can be a seriously upsetting time if they are left alone in a new place and cant go home. Take their belongings and even photos or furniture and put it in their room. Buy them flowers and fruit and chocolates, and when you visit ask them how it is and what they have been doing. Make sure they are getting involved with other residents and perhaps try to strike up a conversation with another resident if they seem to have reservations. Getting two people talking in the first place can spark great friendships.
Help your relative to enjoy their new space and get the most out of it that they can.