Semi-Truck Tires: Maintenance and Durability
Tires are undoubtedly one of humankind’s greatest inventions. These circular pieces of rubber changed our lives by allowing goods and people to reach far distances a lot quicker. And to do their jobs, they are built to withstand hard impacts, huge loads and tackle all sorts of road conditions.
However, truck owners often find themselves in a dilemma on when to replace them, and no need to mention, driving with a damaged or worn-out tire is a major risk. This article will discuss how long truck tires last and how often you should replace them. Apart from that, we have also put together a few maintenance tips you can also find in most semi-truck repair manuals to make your tires last longer.
How long do tires typically last?
If you looked around a bit, you might have found several websites claiming that truck tires last six to seven years on average. However, contrary to popular belief, it is pretty tricky to figure out the exact expiry date of semi-truck tires.
Tires vary in quality and compounds. Some can sometimes be made of up to seven layers of different materials, allowing them to last up to 75,000 miles without breaking a sweat. However, driving style and road conditions also play a significant role in determining the longevity of semi-truck tires. For instance, if you carry rocks out of a mine or frequently drive off the beaten paths, they may only last for 25,000 miles.
The lifespan of a tire also depends on the manufacturer. Some of them offer a warranty of over 80,000 miles, thanks to superior technology and durable materials. Meanwhile, cheaper tires will only last 30,000 miles while also providing you with worse traction and stability.
However, you can also play a significant role in maximizing the lifespan of your tires. Indeed, well-looked-after tires can easily outlast their warranty period. So how do you do that? Well, the first step would be getting your hands on a trustworthy semi-truck repair manual. It contains all the information you need to watch for suspension issues, which can cause irregular tread wear. Don’t know where to find one? Head over to eManualOnline — their manuals cost a lot less than a busted tire due to improper maintenance, to say the least.
How often should I change my semi-truck tires?
There is no hard and fast rule on when tires need to be replaced. Still, the time between changing tires varies from owner to owner and can get quite tricky to put a finger on. Even worse, if you replace tires too early, you won’t really get what you paid for, but if you wait too long, you might get a blowout.
So yes, identifying the perfect time to replace your tires is tricky but there is no better way to know when you need a new set than regularly looking for obvious signs of wear and tear.
Tread Depth
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), a tire is deemed unsafe once its tread is worn to 4/32-inch on steer tires and 2/32-inch on all other tires.
Worn-out treads are a significant driving factor behind most road mishaps claiming lives daily, especially on wet roads. Hence, you should constantly monitor the tread depth.
So how do you detect whether the tire tread is dangerously smooth? Well, NHTSA recommends the “Penny trick,” a very effective trick to get a measure of the tread-wear. All you have to do is put a penny into the grooves with Abraham Lincoln’s head upside down. If you see the top of the president’s head, it’s time to get a new pair. Still, this won’t work on the steer tires, so it’s probably best to have a tread depth gauge at hand. It’s an inexpensive tool, yet it could save your life one day.
Also, modern truck tires frequently come with tread-wear indicators, little bars in the tread that indicate the state of the tire. Make sure to check them regularly — if they are flush with the rest of the tread, it means there is only 2/32-inch (or 4/32-inch for steer tires) tread depth left. When this happens, you should immediately replace your tires.
Maintenance Tips
Irrespective of the brand, most truck tires can last up to 50,000 miles on average if properly looked after. They are built to be more durable than ordinary car tires and can endure the extra punishment.
Here are a few tips to make your tires last longer and prevent potential mishaps.
Tire Pressure
Always make sure to check your tire pressure as frequently as possible and keep it at the recommended level (you’ll find this information in your semi-truck manual). And never forget to adjust the pressure according to how much weight your truck carries. This is important; as the weight in the trailer rises, the pressure in the tires will also increase due to sidewalls compressing.
Tire Rotation
Yes, you read it right. Rotating your tires regularly can prolong their lifespan. Usually, tires at the rear bear more load and wear out quicker. You can swap the front tires with the rear ones to make sure every tire is subjugated to more or less the same stress across their lifetimes.
Last Words
It is no secret that your tire will eventually wear out one day — tires simply don’t last forever. However, a responsible owner needs to stay prepared. Regularly inspect your tires and do not skip scheduled tire service. While it may seem cost-effective at first, it takes a bigger toll on your tires, and can also be life-threatening at some point. Better safe than sorry, folks.