Requirements to Set Up a Branch of a Company in The UAE
Dubai has become the business hub because of its great opportunities. It is allowing a lot of people to start their companies and company branches here in Dubai. This has floated people from all around the world to show their expertise here and seek more advantages.
In Dubai, there is a wide range of services that you can choose from in order to provide your services. A lot of businessmen who want to extend their business activities open their branches IN different parts of the country. Some of them often take their companies to the foreign level where they start the branches of their companies in different parts of the world. This for sure is a very good step towards betterment.
A company in UAE can set up its branch in the UAE in order to be more successful and provide its products and services to a wider area. UAE has a number of locations where you can set your business or its branch to make it run successfully. There are main lands and then there are free zones. All of them have their own importance and benefits. A businessman can choose where to form his company’s branch and make money out of it.
Branch Office in Dubai
Whenever the businessmen want to extend their business activities, they move on to making more and more branches. Setting up branches of the companies help them make more profit through their products and services. In this way, the companies get promoted in not just their home country but also all over the world.
What is a branch office?
A branch office is the offshoot of the parent business set up in UAE which is located out of the country. The main purpose of the branch formation is the promotion of the parent company. The branch company can only carry out those activities which come under the parent company. Any service other than that of the parent company cannot be carried out in the branch company.
A branch company has to carry out its actions while staying in the legal boundary to avoid any mishap. It must follow the set of rules and regulations mandatory of any branch of a company to be on the safe side. A branch company doesn’t have its own legal standing. It is considered to be the offshoot of the parent company. All the activities which a parent company provides are provided by the branch company and nothing more than that.
Requirements branch company set up in the UAE
There are some requirements that should be fulfilled in order to set up a branch of a company in the UAE. They are given as under;
Local sponsor
A local sponsor is UAE is needed by the parent company for opening the branch company
Trade name
Reserving the trade name is really important for the company at the Department of Economic Development . the company should also move forward to the Ministry of Economy (MOE) for getting the required approvals for branch formation
License application
A company ought to apply for the license at the Department of Economic Development after it has gained the initial approval already.
Office space
a branch needs some office space. The parent company should find the best location as per the services and products offered in order to excel in its own market.
Bank account opening
Having a bank account for the branch company is really important. Also, the company should arrange visas as well as the labour cards for the employees.
Becoming a member of the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry
The parent company should then move forward to becoming a member of the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Documents required for branch formation in Dubai
For different approval and registration processes, the parent company needs to fulfil all the requirements like submitting the required documents. For the branch formation of the company in UAE, following documents are required;
Documents required from the Ministry of Economy (MOE) for initial approvals;
- Proof of trade name reservation
- Registration forms
- Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Articles of Association (AOA) of the parent company
- Incorporation certificate of parent company
- Director’s passport copy
- No objection certificate from the parent company
- A no-objection letter allotted by the parent company
- Local service agent’s Passport Copies
- Naturalization book of the service agent
- power of attorney of the local director
- parent company Resolution for branch formation
For commercial license;
- Initial approval of MOE
- A statement showing all the activities that take place in the parent company
- Parent company’s financial statements of the past two years at least. Also, they should be audited
- Lease agreement of the property (branch)
- Copies of the documents submitted for the initial approval.
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