Perks to Employee
Before getting into a job, you are told about your package, which is the actual amount of money in your hand. But apart from this actual money, you shall also get some other benefits or perks. These are not actually money, rather they are some services or parties. These aim at cutting off the major expenses of the employee. The main motive remains to make an employee happy with the work and satisfaction with the package provided by the company. Thus, before getting sure about joining a particular job, you must give emphasis on the perks provided. Some of the major perks enjoyed by an employee are listed below:
1. Tour:
A year or two after joining a job, if you impress the company by your work and are good at weekly meetings, then they may sponsor a vacation for a tour to you and your family. Most of the expenses are covered by them providing the best level facilities during that tour! So, work hard and maintain a good relationship with the higher authorities of the company you work in to make them happy and to prevail the offer!
2. Health Insurance:
It soaks a lot of money from your account when someone from your family is hospitalized. Even if you have your personal insurance, it gives a break on the policy. But most of the companies, for each family member, provide you with the best package of health insurance. You can claim your personal or the insurance provided by the company, whenever needed. Moreover, they may take some serious health complication into account and provide you paid sick leaves.
3. House:
When the company gives you a transfer to another city or you get hired for a job which is not in your city, major companies provide you a good and well-furnished place to live comfortably. You shall not spend a part of your income on the monthly rents. Else, spending on house rents including other expenses leaves almost nothing in your hand.
4. Parties:
From a hectic schedule and heavy workload, a company well understands that their employees need to be refreshed and must feel ready to work again in an effective manner. Thus, they organize parties, mostly twice a week, for their employees to get freshened up! The parties may be on the weekends or on festive days. It depends from place to place, like there takes place the best corporate Christmas party in Melbourne.
5. On-Site Amenities:
This kind of benefits is something new and latest to the employees. These are the privileges which are enjoyed at the place of work and can be used during the working hours of the employee. It includes a gym, library, coffee area, garden, childcare, and a lot more! It helps to refresh the employees and to start work again with higher energy. These kinds of benefits also ensure that an employee does not get bored during the office hours, rather he enjoys to come and work there.