New Colors for Ordinary Holidays
In the life of any person there is a huge number of events, some of them we want to celebrate with loved ones, and especially stand out among other memorable dates. What are these events? First of all, these are family or personal holidays – birthday, engagement, wedding, christening, new year, as well as events related to education, work or business – corporate, team building, evening for business partners, graduation, meeting classmates. And when many events are repeated regularly, from year to year, becoming something uniform, we wonder “How to make a celebration unforgettable, not like the previous holiday?
In this material, we would like to tell you about how you can diversify the holidays on the same occasions, how to captivate the guests, and make the event interesting and unusual. You can realize all the ideas given below by yourself or ask any manager at https://www.thewowstyle.com/ to take care of the whole organization!
The show
Spectacular show programs are the best way to make a bright and memorable holiday. So, among the huge variety of entertainment, we recommend such programs as The Alchemist Show, The Tesla Show, The Paper Disco. Most often these programs are chosen for children’s holidays, but they can diversify the celebration for adults. Culinary programs are especially popular: Bartender Show, Cocktail Show, and Flambe-Show; and it is safe to call the most spectacular – Nitrogen Show, which is enjoyed by absolutely all – both children and adults. By the way, it is often carried out by chefs accompanying the festive event.
An excellent way to diversify the celebration will be the game format of the event. This is especially suitable for the young and middle-aged audience. You can organize a madly popular Wine Casino, the game “What? Where? When?”, an intriguing Quest or favorite Mafia.
These entertainments perfectly warm up the guests and become a wonderful link between all present.
Cognitive and creative programs
Educational and creative programs are a great option for a solid or diverse event audience (differences in age, social status of invitees, etc.). Such programs are neutral, but at the same time, they are very interesting and well remembered by the guests of the evening. The most popular programs among the visitors of Vkusoterrya are the traditional Tea ceremony, story-tasting from a professional sommelier, and the Art-party, where the guests learn to paint pictures under the guidance of an artist.
Another important factor in the success of your event can be a charismatic host. He adheres to the script, and funny guests, and connects unfamiliar people into a whole, and even “smooths” the evening if something suddenly went wrong. In addition to the presenter, your celebration, especially for children, can complement the animator in the costume of any fabulous character, magician, a charmer, or a specially hired actor playing a role in the script, for example, a living statue.
There is probably nothing simpler than music to create a festive atmosphere for an event. Usually at such events are invited DJs, vocalists, or live music (guitar, violin, saxophone, or band), but sometimes the format of the event involves something less formal, and then the perfect solution is karaoke! And very often it is karaoke that finishes off any event, even if the beginning of the evening was something exquisite, like a live harp sound.
Usually to the “extras” include a photographer/cameraman, festive decorations of the event, such as decorations with flower delivery Сanberra or balloons, and cake to order. But we believe that these components of the holiday are not just some kind of supplement, but the feast itself! Exactly the decor of the room creates “that” mood for all the guests, photo/video operator records all the significant moments of the evening, and the cake is a spectacular closing of the celebration, making it solemn!