Is it Worth Playing World of Warcraft?
World of Warcraft is considered one of the best MMORPG in gaming history. It was developed by Blizzard Entertainment and released in 2004.
However, wow PvP mode has helped the game to reach the peak of popularity since the beginning. There is also a paid wow pvp boosting option that helps a player to dominate against the opposition. There are also other reasons why wow is still popular and has an ever-expanding fan base.
So, today we will discuss whether it is worth playing world of warcraft and why?
Is it worth playing World of Warcraft?
So, without any further delay let’s get started and find out the facts.
They do quality updates frequently
Many game developers usually fail to update their respective games frequently.
Normally, if a game has any issue regarding its gameplay or customer service, it requires an update to fix it.
Sometimes suggestions from players also make the developers update their game. It is a process to keep the current players satisfied and attract more players.
Blizzard Entertainment has successfully done it. They have lots of expansion packs filled with different and amazing content. Such as “The Burning Crusade”, “Cataclysm”, “Wrath of the Lich King”, “Mists of Pandaria”, “Legion”, “The Battle of Azeroth”,“Warlords of Draenor”, and lastly “Shadowlands”.
The last expansion pack Shadowlands was released in 2020 and is considered the most successful one. So, this is one of the many reasons behind its popularity.
They offer various contents to explore
The number of contents World of Warcraft offers is simply enormous. According to a report of 2018, only 11 players have successfully completed the game till now.
The game has a whole world filled with numerous continents and regions that is quite impossible to explore fully for a player. And in every path, you will encounter different quests to fulfill.
Apart from that, they have options like dungeons and raids to experience for a player. The game offers an auction house where you can buy and sell items. And rare items can be found in the back market auction house at a cheap rate.
They also have a pet battling option where your pet gets to fight. In the items and rewards section, you will be able to claim your gaming achievements.
Events like “Player versus Player ” and “World Events” offer you to show your true strength and power. These wonderful contents helped the game to gain a strong foothold in the gaming industry.
The game has a helpful and supportive community
New players must have a supportive gaming community to improve their skills and knowledge about the game. Many gaming communities are not socially supportive. And they tend to be inconvenient for new players.
The gaming community of world of warcraft is an exception. Daily, there are millions of gamers playing wow and the number is ever-expanding.
That is why the game developed an in-game communicating system. Where you can write messages and voice chat while playing the game.
The game also has a subreddit that is called “Wow Noob”. The beginners always get the necessary support and guidelines from the senior players through these mediums. Having a supportive community like this also helped the game to gain popularity.
It offers boosting experience
World of warcraft has a very good boosting option like any other game. You can always save your time and effort by boosting your character to make it strong.
They have so much content that sometimes players get tired. So, they choose to boost their characters, which helps their character to get stronger by leaps and bounds.
An option like wow pvp boosting helps a player to get strong and defeat the enemy in a pvp mode. And that is beneficial for both player and game developers.
So, after gathering all this information, do you think it is a good idea to play wow? Well, at least our information is implying to be positive. So, you should give it a try and play the game.
There are quite a number of MMORPG that offer the same sort of experience like wow. Wow has always been at the top because it has some unique features that no other game can adopt.
We believe our explanation on Is it worth playing World of Warcraft has helped you. and soon you will play the game. Till then, happy gaming.