Is Cosmetology School the Right Choice?
Cosmetology school is unlike any educational experience you may have grown accustomed to in prior years as you progress through high school or even university. The decision to attend a vocational school to learn a trade is the best way to get training and practical knowledge in the field you want to pursue.
If you’ve just graduated from high school and decided that a career in cosmetology is for you right out of the gate, then you’ve already saved yourself quite a bit of time and money. You’re on your way to building skills that translate immediately in the workplace. You’ve eliminated months, if not years, of effort on additional general education classes that may give you an edge when you play trivia games, but not necessarily in your next job.
Standard schooling typically restricts your imagination, compelling you to think inside the box and memorize a multitude of facts and figures for exams, only to forget much of the information soon after. When you attend cosmetology school, you’re acquiring useful competencies that you can apply on the job.
Not only will you employ these learnings regularly, but you’ll have to find ways to get creative with the techniques.
It’s impossible to learn every single style or haircut. In fact, fashion is continually evolving. Cosmetology school will ensure you master the fundamentals. When clients ask for something unusual, you’ll have the background and tools that enable you to combine basic techniques into a unique style. You’re preparing to enter a profession where you’ll frequently be called upon to create beauty from the equivalent of an unmolded piece of clay. The instructors will prepare you by frequently putting you in situations that test your creativity. Don’t be discouraged. Cosmetology school is the platform where you can hone your skill set and leverage the insights of the instructors.
While in school, you’ll also learn about the products that the professionals use. It’s essential to understand all the nuances like the makeup suited to specific skin traits, styling tools that work best for each hair type, or even implements that are most forgiving to your technique when performing a manicure or pedicure. Find dependable tools you can invest in that not only enhance your work, but also last. For example, professionals shop for hairdressing scissors and shears on sites like Scissor Tec that offer high-quality brands, as well as a variety of styles to accommodate left-handed stylists, or those prone to hand injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome.
Because cosmetology school is essentially focused on a single trade, it does present a challenge if you discover during the program or after you secure a job that this field is ultimately not for you. There doesn’t tend to be too many transferrable skills. But then, you’ll be versed in the business if you elect to work in a more peripheral role as a salon receptionist, or perhaps in a managerial capacity running a busy salon. However, if your passion doesn’t wane, you’ll have the requisite skills to find a job and start earning wages relatively quickly.
Like any life decision, you shouldn’t decide to attend cosmetology school on a whim. It will require time and money to move forward. If you’re already dabbling in cosmetology and want to solidify the training and certifications that can help you earn a living off your skills, then enrolling makes sense. Cosmetology school will further enhance your ability as you build your portfolio. You’ll be applying for positions in your preferred field in no time.