How To Start A Pressure Washing Business in 5 Simple Steps
Starting any business requires proper planning.
When starting a Pressure Washing Company, it is easy to think the process is simple and super cheap from the outside, however, things may not be as they seem when the plan takes effect. To ensure that you are properly prepared, you need to be aware of the steps necessary to take to ensure a successful launch of your business.
To start a pressure washing business, we have put together a guide that will help you to understand what is important and how to navigate the complexities of starting out a new business.
Step 1 – Learn How To Pressure Wash Like a Professional
The very first step to starting out a pressure washing company is to learn how to pressure wash like a professional. At the start of your company, you may be the only one handling the affairs of the business and this requires that you show up to the client’s property and impress them with your pressure washing skills. To get the best experience, you may need to learn to use the pressure washing machine so as to meet the demands of your customers. You can learn to power wash surfaces by enlisting with a power washing company or hiring a power washing machine to practice with. By learning to operate the pressure washer like a pro, you also save yourself from the extra costs of damages. The pressure washer is capable of breaking windows, damaging caulking, breaking and killing plants, and more, when not properly handled. You get to save money and also make a good impression by avoiding these problems.
While doing the job, take stock of how you feel about it. In most cases, you may find the entire experience repulsive and this may be an indicator that you will hate the job. However, if you find the experience exciting and rewarding, this is a step in the right direction.
Step 2 – Can Your Pressure Washing Business Make Money?
As a business owner, you are in business to make a profit. To ensure that you get the best outcome, you should be able to determine how profitable your business will be. Below is how to determine whether your company will be profitable or not
Calculate Your Expenditures
Service-based businesses require a lot of capital at startup. As a power washing company you will require money to address the following;
- Purchase of power washing gear including surface cleaner, pressure washer, nozzles, cleaning chemical, and transportation medium.
- Insurance costs, contractor license cost, and business permit
- Advertising cost to push your business to more customers
- Cost of securing office space.
Calculate the Revenues
At the start of your business, you need to be able to account for how much has come in and the number of jobs that have been completed. The revenue you make will also depend on the price of the services that you render. Remember that the higher the price point above the market average, the lesser the chances of patronage.
Putting both together, you can get an idea of how profitable a business is by taking out the expenditure from your revenue. At the start of your business, you may not realize thousands of dollars in revenue but you should be able to tell whether the business will be profitable or not.
Step 3 – Keep Your Business Legal
As a business owner, the biggest factor that can ruin the chances of your business is when you choose to do things the illegal way. To ensure your freedom, it is recommended that you go the legal way by securing all the required business documents and permits. Some of the most important business documents to have include bonds, sales tax registration, contractor permits, and environmental permits. You also need to insure your business and employees by getting workers compensation, liability insurance, as well as equipment insurance. Also, research into the associations that you need to be a member of as a pressure washing company in your area.
Step 4 – To Invest in Pressure Washing Equipment or Go Cheap?
At the start of your business, you need to think long and hard about what you wish to achieve and how you intend to do it. As a business owner that prioritizes customer satisfaction, you may need to invest in quality pressure washing equipment which may be expensive at the start but will serve you and keep your customers happy. Alternatively, you may choose to go the cheap way and that may put a strain on the quality of your work as well as the chances of getting repeat customers and patronage.
Step 5 – Know The Secret Of Getting More Customers
As a service-based business, you rely on customers to make sales and earn more in revenue. It is not enough for you to aggressively advertise your business; you must also match the advertisement with quality service and great prices. By combining these factors, you can easily pull in more customers with a promise of customer satisfaction.