How to Prepare Your Tweets for More Likes?
Gaining more likes on Twitter is a part of a big system that can make you an influencer on this platform. So it is important to make your tweets likable not to your followers and fellow bloggers, but to occasional readers as well. Even if you now think that likes don’t matter much on Twitter, your opinion is about to be changed. After you read this article you will know for sure, what do you need to get more faves to your posts, and how they impact your growth.
Along with retweets and replies, likes are a very important marker, that indicates the potential of your posts. Having many likes usually means that this particular tweet is interesting, funny, and close to the readers, even if they have nothing to say about it.
Hearts cannot directly impact the level of engagement though. But with having bigger amounts of them under your posts pulls the trigger of social approval in the heads of your readers. They see many likes and this factor drives their interest to explore your profile and eventually become your follower. Faves on this platform are fulfilling the function to attract people. Also, you could say that the idea to buy Twitter likes for new tweets is not bad at all, if you need to gain more attention to your profile. And now, as the purpose of gaining likes on Twitter is clear, let’s focus on the ways to do that!
Without knowing who is your target audience, you will not understand how to improve your tweets to their favor. And yes, demographic data is important – you need to know that is the average gender, age, occupation, profession, etc. But you also must find out what are the interests and preferences of your targeted audience, so you hit the bulls-eye with your tweets.
There are many ways to do that, and one of the most effective is monitoring the competitors from your niche. It is no secret that Twitter is a highly-populated area, so finding one will not be a hard task. Look through their profiles, read their posts and analyze the reaction that you see. What are the most liked posts? And how are they different from other ones that are less popular? These questions have clues to your success if you manage to get the right answers. Take some time and do a vast research to have the best results for yourself and avoid mistakes that can be made.
On Twitter, it is important how you communicate with your followers. The community of this platform prefers a warm and sincere conversation, where the thought of a subscriber is equally important to the thesis in the original post. So if you want to earn likes for your tweets, start talking to your audience. Write what concerns and interests you in daily life. Share your opinion about things that happen in the world. Exchange the experience with your readers, and soon enough you will find many hearts hi in your stats.
Even if you run a merely business account, on Twitter you have to add personal flair to it, so you get a human face for your brand. The majority of people on this network prefer having it as a big chatting room, with light-weight party vibes, easy conversations, jokes, and other attributes of a friendly community. So making your profile open for talking is a fine method to get more likes. Don’t sell yourself all the time. Your task is to earn loyalty from your potential followers not by promotion, but with your good taste and manners.
And to get more likes for your posts, you should also hit the hearts yourself. Put this mark on the most witty and smart replies, like retweets and tweets made by your audience, and you will get the gratitude soon enough.
Many people have an interest in particular hashtags. So to get closer to a more engaged and targeted audience, use hashtags. The mastery of choosing them is what everyone who wants to become a successful influencer on Twitter must know. Here are a few tips that will help you to keep oriented in the massive flow of hashtags:
- Choose the most accurate and precise words
- Stick around three tags per tweet
- Avoid long hashtags that consist of too many words
- Create hashtags that would be specific to your community and theme of your blog
And a small tip: do not try to attract the audience and get likes with the help of irrelevant hashtags. This looks stupid.
Twitter is very sensitive to the right timing. To get many likes, you have to be eye-catching and consistently present online. Thus, to provide more engagement and appear more often in the user’s feeds, you will have to learn what time is the most productive for you. That depends a lot on the characteristics of your target audience. For example, young adults and teenagers are spending more time online in the evening, when all the studying, chores, and work is finished. Older people prefer scrolling their newsfeed at lunchtime, when they have a break. And almost everyone is having a small sin – wandering the Internet and social media before they go to sleep.
So your task is to define when your followers are the most active. With this information, you will be able to adjust your posting schedule according to the time block when it will be seen the most.
Getting many faves on Twitter would be much harder if there was no opportunity to add visual materials like videos and images to your tweets. Use this wonderful feature to get the maximum results for your posts. Just imagine this – adding a picture to your tweet can double the amount of likes and triple the retweets. Definitely a method to consider when you need to boost your growth.
Why is it so effective, you may ask. The answer is simple – the posts that include visual materials, are larger by size as they appear in the feed, thus they look more appealing and catch the eye of the beholder. For example, you can use pictures to put quotations in, and to achieve a few goals at once:
- Break the limit of 280 characters (do not overload the picture with a texty text – this will annoy users)
- Look more bright and noticeable in the feed
- Have more retweets and likes to your favor.
Here you have some tips on how to get more likes on Twitter. But remember that whatever you do, you must remain yourself as is. Be sincere and open-hearted, and faves will come naturally.