How To Maintain Your Dancewear
Many people enjoy dancing. Said activity is a fun way to exercise and express one’s athletic skills and artistry. That said, dancing is a relatively strenuous endeavour necessitating participants to wear comfortable clothing that is still capable of withstanding the stretching and other vigorous movements dancers execute.
People refer to this clothing as dancewear. This brief blog offers several tips designed to ensure such clothing articles remain clean, comfortable and durable for extended durations.
Follow Manufacturer’s Instructions
The manufacturers of various dancewear designs might include washing instructions in a small tag stitched to the article or in written directions inserted inside the purchase packaging. It is essential to follow these cleansing guidelines exactly or as close to the letter as possible.
Written directions should be in a place the wearer will remember. Should the only instructions come in the form of a tag, and it gets removed, the dancer is strongly encouraged to document these instructions and either capture a photo of said directives or type them on a computer and save the device’s hard drive.
Treat Clothing With Extra Sensitivity
The natural design of dancewear outfits allows them to stretch frequently. However, over time, the stretches, jumps and twirls that dancers perform can gradually weaken the apparel’s threads. Therefore, extra caution should occur when donning and doffing these outfits. Movements that are too rough or abrupt might precipitate tearing.
Avoid Using Bleach
Harsh cleaners like bleach could harm some fabrics employed to create dance clothing. For this reason, dance costumes should never go to the dry cleaners.
Hang Up After Use
After removing dance apparel, said items should be placed inside a hanger and into a closet. Folding these articles could result in additional and unnecessary stretching that could yield ripping and tearing.
Do Not Wash After Moderate Use
Dance apparel doesn’t require washing following every single use. Provided the user did not sweat profusely, you can store the costume by hanging until it is once again needed. Excessive washing can threaten the integrity of associated fabrics and precipitate problems, like wearing or fading.
Do Not Hang Up Until Complete Drying Has Occurred
Regardless of whether the storage follows a workout or a wash, you should not store dancewear until said apparel has completely dried.
Failure to heed this crucial piece of advice could result in the eventual development of mould or mildew growth. These potentially harmful materials can foul the outfit’s aesthetic appeal and prove quite challenging to remove. Moreover, these substances may elicit untoward health issues, such as allergies and upper respiratory ailments.
Do Not Expose Costume To Sunlight
Exposure to direct sunlight could result in fading, which can disturb the costume’s appearance. Moreover, heat possesses the capacity to ruin associated fabrics. Therefore, you should store dance apparel in a location that receives little, if any, direct sunlight exposure.
Do Not Store In Tight Spaces
Dance outfits stored in tight-fitting spaces could result in compression that fouls the clothing’s aesthetic appeal, could exacerbate the fading process and threaten fabric integrity.
Thoroughly Rinse Garment
Whenever and wherever possible, industry professionals recommend handwashing dance apparel. When placed inside washing machines, the articles run the risk of getting twisted and wrung. Either activity could result in acute damage or shorten the outfit’s shelf-life.
Moreover, said clothing should not soak in water for extended durations. Engaging in such actions will require excessively long drying periods.
Air Dry Outfits
Dance apparel should not be placed in electric drying apparatuses, either. The excessive heat combined with the violent wringing and twisting motions produced during drying cycles could lead to material damage. Industry professionals suggest laying a large towel atop a flat surface and letting the article air-dry outdoors but not in an overly sunlit location.