How to Have a Pest Free-Home: The Basics Explained
Wasps, mice, bats—oh my! These are just a few of the common household pests that plague homeowners’ homes.
While it’s normal to find pets in the home, the good news is that pest removal is a pretty straightforward process. In fact, there are some pretty simple things you can do to have a pest-free home.
If you’re interested in getting rid of pests, keep reading. This quick guide walks you through the basics of having a pest-free home. Let’s jump in!
Store Food Properly
One way to control lizards, mice, and other creatures is to cut off their food supply. After all, pests tend to enter the home to track down food.
When you keep your food stored away, pests don’t have a reason to enter your home. They won’t be attracted to the smells of food that’s been left out on countertops and tables.
On top of that, food should only ever be stored in the kitchen. When you eat food in other rooms, you drop crumbs. The crumbs can attract pests to your area, making them tough to get rid of.
To prevent pests in the home, put away food as soon as you’ve finished eating. Keep your foods in airtight containers that don’t have gaps for pests to creep in.
Keep Doors and Windows Shut
It’s tempting to leave doors and windows open during the summer. However, this is a great way for pests to come into the home. That’s especially true if you’ve left food out that attracts them!
After you enter a room, be sure to check that the door is closed all the way. If not, creepy crawlies and small animals can slip through the cracks between the walls and the door.
You’ll also need to check the windows. Make sure there are no cracks in the glass or in the screens. If there are, get these sealed right away. Cracks in the windows and screens are places where small animals can get in and infest the home.
Clean Your Home Regularly
Just because you have pests in the home doesn’t mean that your space is dirty. However, dirtiness can encourage pests to enter the home and make this their space.
To help rid your home of pests, avoid leaving food lying out after you’ve finished with it. Otherwise, pests may be drawn to the food.
On top of that, clean up the clutter in your house. Clutter provides critters with the perfect place to hide out and make nests. When they go unnoticed, you can wind up with an infestation in no time!
To avoid pests settling into your home, vacuum and sweep the floors every two days. Once a month, do a deep clean of the home and get rid of any excess clutter.
Keep Your Home Pest-Free
With these simple tips and tricks, you’re on the right track to keeping your house pest-free. Make sure to follow the advice in this guide to prevent unwanted critters and creepy-crawlies from invading your space.
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