How to Get the Missing Lame_enc.dll File
So, you have received the system error message, just like the one above, and now you are totally perplexed and frustrated at the inability to run the program of your choice. There is no need to get upset. This message is commonly received by lots of users attempting to run an audio application for the first time or in the process of saving MP3 projects.
If you have resolved to download the missing lame_enc.dll file, but don’t know what to begin with, continue reading this simple tutorial and get the necessary files right on your computer in no time.
Downloading the Missing Files
Though in many articles authors strongly recommend users to refrain from downloading individual lame_enc.dll files from the third-party sources, we can say that you may do so, once you are sure that the site you are getting the files from is reliable and free of malware. Try visiting Wikidll.com, the website that knows how to solve any problem caused by a corrupted or missing dll file. You can download lame_enc.dll file from this source by following several simple steps:
1. Choose the proper version of the available lame_enc.dll files on the website.
2. Select the “Download” option once you are ready to launch the download process.
- After clicking the “Download” button, the “Downloading” window should pop up. Make sure to keep it open until the download is complete. The site will connect you to the closest server for you to get the fastest downloading performance possible. Please, note that the process of connecting may take some time (from 5 to 20 seconds, as a rule).
3. Once you have received the needed file, unpack it with the help of the unarchiver you have at your disposal. Then, put the files into the appropriate folder.
4. Restart the troublesome audio program to see whether the performed manipulations have been helpful.
Useful Pieces of Advice to Take into Consideration
Sometimes, when you get the missing lame_enc.dll message, it doesn’t necessarily mean that there is some critical error that can be fixed by some radical methods. Closing and reopening the application that generates the lame_enc.dll error may suffice to solve the problem. The point is that such popular programs as Audacity, jRipper, CDex, REAPER, LameDropXPd, LAMEX, and many others that commonly present users with similar errors may have temporary problems that can be addressed by restarting the program.
There is one more thing to consider! Have you ever happened to delete the necessary files and then confronted the consequences of your inattentiveness? We bet you have. Believe us, the cases when users accidentally remove lame_enc.dll files are not that rare. So, the first thing you may want to do upon receiving any system error is to check you Recycle Bin for the files that might be deleted inadvertently. If you succeed to find the necessary files there, don’t hesitate to recover them by highlighting them and choosing the “Restore” option. Upon doing so, your problem application giving you a lame_enc.dll missing error should work properly again.
Be careful and attentive when working with important files on your computer. We hope that the article was helpful you and wish you good luck in your future digital endeavors.