How to Choose the Perfect Travel Backpack
Off traveling? Once you have all your flights booked, visas arranged, and itinerary planned, it’s time to turn your attention to what will be your most trusted companion on your trip – your backpack. You should pay just as much attention to buying a backpack as you do in every other aspect of your trip.
Getting it wrong can really put a downer on the whole experience. Fortunately, choosing the right one is easy if you know how. Here are some tips. You can also check https://rifflenw.com/luggages/rockland-luggage-spinner-set-review/ for some of the best options.
Top-loader or front-loader?
You may never have considered the difference between backpacks that load from the top and those that load from the front before, but when packing for a long trip, we recommend to always choose a pack that’s loaded from the front. If you go for a top-loader, you’ll basically have to unpack it every time you want to get something out. No traveler has time for that. A front-loading backpack works more like a suitcase, so you can open the front of the bag and have a good rummage without having to get anything out.
Go waterproof.
Not an absolute essential, especially if you’re traveling to a place where it’s not likely to rain, but at least, some waterproofing is always a good idea as you’d really never know. Some bags have built-in rain covers, but even if your preferred pack doesn’t, you can usually pick up one that will fit.
Pad it out.
Padded shoulders and hips are absolutely essential components of a great backpack. That’s because while you wear it on your back, a good backpack concentrates most of its weight on your hips. Padded, adjustable hip belts mean better weight distribution. A good set of shoulder straps will also help the weight of your pack feel more comfortable, and padding will stop the straps digging into your shoulders. Chest straps are an excellent bonus!
A bag with more than one compartment is an absolute must. It’s the only way to keep dirty things away from clean ones (and no one wants their clean stuff getting dirty before wearing it). Packs that have built-in organizers are also great as they have specific compartments for things like laundry, underwear, and electronics.
For most backpackers, the aim is to travel as light as possible, but even the best of us can get carried away souvenir shopping! For that reason, packs with expanders are fantastic, as you can simply pull a zipper and make it bigger – not endlessly so, but definitely enough to squeeze in a few more gifts for people at home.
Pack within a pack.
Lots of traveler backpacks come with a day pack, which usually zips onto the main body of the pack. These are great when you want easy access to everyday items, or if you’re leaving your main backpack at your accommodation for the day. If you have your main pack with you as well, check to see if the day pack has clips. This will stop you having to wear the straps around your arms! For more information about quality and amazing backpacks for traveling check Tucker & Bloom.
You could look here to find the best one that is right for your needs.