Foods That Help You Lose Weight
Foods That Help You Lose Weight
Apples are a great fat-burning fruit because they are packed with fiber. The pectin in apples keeps cells from absorbing fat and also encourages water absorption, which helps remove fat deposits from the body.
Brown rice
Brown rice is a smart fat-loss food. It is packed with fiber, starchy carbohydrate and essential nutrients.
There are only 33 calories in a cup of cooked shredded cabbage, and it retains all its nutritional goodness even after cooking.
A medium-sized carrot carries about only 55 calories and is a nutritional powerhouse.
Chili Peppers
They increase your body temperature and speed up your metabolism.
Coconut is rich with medium chain triglycerides , which increases the metabolism up to 30 percent.
The caffeine kicks your metabolism into high gear. Caffeine also jump-starts lipolysis, the breakdown of fat. One to two cups a day is ideal.
These shiny, nutty-tasting seeds have a secret weight loss weapon, compounds called lignans. Try grinding and adding a tablespoon of flaxseed each day to cereals, yogurt, or salad dressing.
Alicin, a component of garlic, does a great job helping to flush fat from the body.
Ginger is used for centuries to help relieve digestive upset. It improves digestion and helps you lose belly fat.
Green Tea
Make green tea your drink of choice. Having a green tea 3-5 times a day can burn up to 80 extra calories without any effort.
Indian Dal (Lentils)
Protein helps you build muscles and boost your metabolism. Protein rich foods have a high thermogenic effect. 100 grams of lentils contain 26 grams of protein. A bowl of Indian dal is an excellent source of protein.
1-3 teaspoons of Isabgol with a glass of water before dinner help in smooth functioning of the digestive system. It relieves constipation, thus making you less bloated.
Lemons are excellent liver detoxifiers. Maintaining the health of the liver is also imperative to the body’s ability to digest and burn fat.
These foods are high in protein. They have a high thermogenic effect: You burn about 30% of the calories the food contains during digestion So a 300-calorie chicken breast requires about 90 calories to break it down.
Oatmeal is an easy-to-cook fat burner. It works well as a fat-burning food because it contains insoluble and soluble fiber. Any food that is rich in soluble fiber will typically improve fat reduction.
Flavorful, aromatic and low in calories, onions deserve a regular place in your diet. They control cholesterol, thin the blood, protect against cholesterol.
Popeye really knew what he was talking about. Spinach has the ability to lower cholesterol, rev up the metabolism and burn away fat.
The real fat hero in most nuts is mono-unsaturated fats. Walnuts are actually a rich source of omega-3s. One ounce (7 walnuts) provides almost 3g of alpha-linolenic acid.
Whey protein
30 grams of whey protein serving contains 23 grams of protein with just 120 calories. It is a low-calorie high in protein food.