Five Things You Need to Understand About Being a Cat Parent
Undoubtedly cats are great companions. They not only look pretty but will also keep the mice away from the abode and possess built-in motors. Most of the cats are quite intelligent, enigmatic and quite self-sufficient. The animal is quite charming, mesmerizing, delightful and entertaining to everyone. Loving a cat is like striving hard to understand their inherent needs, personality and quirks.
To be an efficient cat parent, you need to know about the feline species. Observe, engage and research for learning to make the unique feline happy. Making active participation can help in making an enriching and meaningful relationship with the four-legged companion.
Few things you should know about being a cat parent:
Removing Potential Toxins:
It is important that your cat should be safe. As they always strive hard to fit, jump and climb inside the small spaces, so look low and high for anything that can be a hazard, including household cleaning agents and various other chemicals. Also, never forget your house plants; some of them can be proven toxic, like peace lilies, lucky bamboo and begonia. The cats love to eat plants, so you need to find ways to remove them from the house or their reach. The ASPCA or American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has issued a comprehensive plant list that can be toxic to cats. For the safety of both your plants and cats, it is preferred to relocate them to stop nibbling.
Schedule your car wellness check:
Once you have got your cat home, bring her to your veterinarian to check on them and ensure that she is up to date with her shots. The vet can also help you determine whether she can be neutered due to many safety and health reasons. If you do not have a vet nearby, you can reach out to your family members and friends who already have cats as their pets. For your cat’s happiness and healthiness, a vet is a very important person to help you when required. For their food supplies too, you can speak to your vet or can ask any of your friends to help you out. Also you can buy cat supplies at PETstock as they have a great variety to offer and can deliver at your doorstep within the stipulated timeline.
Exercise her mind and body:
Cats do get bored easily, and remembering boredom can be quite mischievous. Cat special toys and goodies will not keep her engaged and entertained but will also allow her to stay fit. You can also create a perch by the window where your cat can look at other animals around squirrels, birds, etc. Help her in mastering her hunting instincts while performing the exercises for hiding toys and treats around the home and ensuring that she finds every piece.
Create a cat-proof home:
Many cats love to chew string and cords. It will not pose the choking hazard but can also cause electrocution if she tries to eat any electrical cord. Ensure that all your power cords are secure and also pull cords on blinds and curtains, needles, yarn, decorative tassels and sewing threads or anything looking like a thread around. Take a round of the house and keep a check on various openings that can allow her to enter or crawl into attics, ductwork, etc. If you already have a dog door, then ensure that she would not be able to use it for an escape hatch. The organization ASPCA also recommends installing sturdy screens on the windows and ensuring that all your bins have tight lids.
Collar for your cat:
Accidents can happen, and it doesn’t matter how careful you have been through. Your cat can get separated, but if she has a collar along with an ID tag inclusive of the contact information to improve the chances of being reunited. Usually, shelter homes use microchips for their pets before they leave their shelter. The method is good and can be tried on pets to avoid unexpected escape.
Pets are loved by everyone, especially cats, as they are beautiful and notorious. The above list reflects that you should be careful about handling them right as a cat parent and allow them the space to grow. Make them responsible, allow her to be fit, and feed her with the best healthy foods.