Five Signs That You are Stressed out at Work
Modern man is told so much about stress that one thing can already cause stress. He’s waiting for us everywhere – on the street, in transportation and, of course, at work. Is the world so hostile? Or do we misunderstand what stress is?
In this article, we will tell you how to distinguish real stress at work from imaginary stress with five right signs.
1. You don’t want to do anything new and you spend the whole weekend near a computer or a TV
It may seem strange, but there is no single and generally accepted definition of stress in science. It is often said that stress is the body’s reaction to irritating incentives, and in general, a reaction to novelty.
However, some level of stress is necessary for the body to maintain a comfortable psychological state. This can be seen from the so-called stress curve – it shows where the well-known ‘comfort zone’ begins and ends. If the stress level is too high, the body has to overcome it, if you are a human or a grape snail.
2. You’re doing pointless repetitive acts
Higher levels of predictability can be achieved not only through passive care, but also through the impact on the situation itself – this is called control struggles. In this way you not only increase the predictability of events, but also take advantage of the situation by forcing the circumstances to act according to your will. A successful fight for control leads to an increase in social status not only for humans, but also for animals.
The problem is that the workplace is full of situations where it is impossible to increase control for objective reasons. What does our crafty brain offer in this case? To increase control in situations that have nothing to do with stress! You need support for you brain not to overheat. Paper writing service may help you to get some free time.
3. Terrible boredom is stress, too.
The state where there are no novelty and stimuli is also stressful. It is called “hypothermia”, as opposed to “distress”, which occurs when exposure is too intense.
You cannot die of hypothermia, but you can earn psychic and even physical problems. Depression, lethargy, frustration, bad mood – all this can accompany hypothermia. Some believe that the dream job is the one where you can sit all day and do nothing. Obviously, it’s a direct road to hypothermia.
4. You’re getting more frequent than usual.
There is a widespread belief that stress is a purely psychological phenomenon and that it has no effect on a person’s morbidity. This is not true. If short-term stress can be useful and motivating for active actions, then long and constant stress affects health in the most negative way.
Any experience has a physiological basis. In the case of stress, several specific hormones are usually secreted, the production of which is increased during the respective experiences. The most famous stress hormone is cortisol.
5. You have digestive problems.
Stress has a detrimental effect not only on the nervous system, but also on the digestive system. The impact of stress on digestive problems has also been proven by Ivan Petrovich Pavlov in his famous experiments on dogs. In humans, stress can cause heartburn, gastritis, esophagitis, irritable bowel and other diseases of the digestive tract.
Bad digestion not only causes ‘delicate problems’, but also bad moods, difficulty communicating, sleep problems, lack of sleep and, as a consequence, more stress. Once in this noose, it is important to seek medical attention and influence the symptoms in time, reducing the additional stress levels to return to normal.