FIFA 22 how to get loyalty fast and quick: easiest way to get club loyalty
If you want to know what the FIFA 22 Loyalty is and the fastest and easiest way to get loyalty, then you just need to read this short article!
What is FIFA 22 Loyalty?
Loyalty has been a big part of Ultimate Team over the years, and it’s very easy to understand the use of loyalty. In FIFA 22, loyalty is a player’s loyalty to their FUT club. With player loyalty, a player’s chemistry is increased by 1. This will help you take full advantage of their statistics on the court. Loyalty is indicated by the green shield icon on the player’s card, which grays when the player has no loyalty. You can gain full loyalty for players who have no loyalty at your club.
How to get FIFA 22 Loyalty?
SBCs are a useful way to get a lot of players and earn coins. The first completed FIFA 22 SBC was called “Let’s Get started”. The reward for completing the 3 steps of this SBC is the “X1 two Player pack”. When you complete the entire category, you receive 4 FUT Bronze player packs and are guaranteed 1 rare player. With an OVR range of up to 64, most players are cheap and probably not of much use to you. But they are easy to get and you can sell them quickly at any time, or just send unwanted players to the transfer list for a few hundred FIFA 22 coins per player.
Some challenges require loyalty. This means that players should be loyal to your team. How to gain player loyalty? By playing 10 games! This means you should use players from your current team and play 10 games so they can be considered loyal to the team. When this happens, the chemistry with these players increases slightly, which will help with the challenges in these SBCS. Usually they require at least x chemistry. When you build a team with the players you need, you find that the chemistry is not at the minimum required. With loyalty, you reach the level required to pass the SBC. But the thing is, you don’t need those players! You only bought them for SBC, so playing them 10 times isn’t much fun. That’s why you’re probably looking for a faster way to get this green badge for the player. Or, you can following tips to get loyalty!
How to implement FIFA 22 loyalty glitches on PS4 and Xbox One?
Implementing FIFA 22 loyalty glitches on PS4 and Xbox One is simple. First, you need to buy all the players you want to be loyal to and add them to your new squad. To save time, leave all players in SBC, then press L2 / LT and copy the squad. Now, go to Squad Battles, choose any match, and start playing. Shortly after kick-off – the timer appears in the upper left, about 30-40 seconds later – the game is suspended. Go to console network Settings and disconnect from the Internet. Go back to FIFA 22 and you should see a pop-up window showing that your connection to the EA server has been disconnected. Press X/A to return you to the main menu. Go back to the console network Settings and reconnect to the Internet. Jump back to Ultimate Team and check the stats of one of your players. The number of games they played for your club should have doubled, but your record should be the same as before the break. To earn the loyalty of all 11 players, you only need to complete it nine more times. All here are its FIFA veterans who have been using this wonderful time-saving technique for years and still haven’t been phased out.
As we mentioned above, doing these tips you can not only get loyalty, but also get FUT 22 Coins. And if you need a large amount of coins, doing challenges cannot reward you as much as you need, you can choose to buy FUT 22 Coins directly at Z2U.com, cheap, safe, fast!