Enjoy These 4 Interactive Facetime Ideas
Playtime is such an important part of a young mind’s development. As grandparents we want to have this quality time with our little ones; but, sometimes it can be difficult to stay involved when we live far away. Only getting playtime on weekends or holidays never feels like enough. We want to be a part of their everyday lives and watch as they learn and grow and become independent people. Finding fun things to do over Facetime can help us nurture our relationship with our grandchildren no matter the distance between us.
Conversation Starters
Kids have a tendency to get a little squirmy and unfocused during traditional phone calls. Their little brains just don’t work quite like our adult ones do. They aren’t trained in casual conversation yet. Rather than try to force them onto our grown-up level, try out some fun conversation starters to engage their curiosity and get them to share their day with you.
Here are some fun and simple ideas:
- Share some of your favorite childhood memories. Keep it simple and direct so it’s easy to understand and engage with. After you share something special from your childhood, involve your grandkids by asking about a similar memory they may have.
- What is your favorite food? This one can be a fun way to chat while the kids’ parents prepare dinner. Maybe talk about what your favorite foods were as a kid and what your favorite things are now.
- Tell them about what growing up was like for you! Ask your grandchildren what their favorite part of the school day is and then tell them a bit about how school was for you when you were their age. They will be enchanted to hear that one time you were just like them.
Story Time
Bedtime stories are a memorable part of most children’s lives. In fact when you read and share stories with the children in your life you are encouraging them to develop essential language skills. Also, by sharing your love of stories you will encourage them to be future readers. There are so many fun adventures you can enjoy with your grandchildren through the magic of books.
By reading aloud to your grandchildren on Facetime from their favorite picture books you can be a part of their routine everyday from wherever you are. Help keep the children engaged while Mom or Dad makes dinner by having a virtual date where you read aloud from new stories. They will look forward to engaging with you for storytime. Once they get a little older you can have them read their favorite stories aloud to you. You can be a part of the whole journey as they grow when you use Facetime to become a part of their daily routine.
Share a Meal
Baking with family has always been a wonderful way to create memories. With Facetime you can cook virtually as a family. Coordinate with your children and plan to make a family recipe together. Set up your phone and have all the ingredients ready to go. Enjoy time with your child and your grandchild as you teach them your grandmother’s chocolate chip cookies recipe. Take this time to share some stories about what your grandmother was like when she taught you the recipe. Ask if they will be sharing their cookies with any friends from school. The activity of mixing and baking will help keep your grandchild engaged while you create memories together.
For Even More Fun Try Kinoo
If you are looking for even more ways to engage with your grandchildren virtually from far away consider getting them the gift of Kinoo!
Kinoo is a new interactive and play based app developed by the minds behind LeapFrog and LeapPad. It was developed specifically to help keep little ones engaged with loved ones from far away in a fun and educational environment. It includes storytelling and conversation starters as well as fun games, puzzles, and activities that can keep you on Facetime with your grandchildren up to 10 times longer than traditional phone calls.
With Kinoo you can build a rocket with your grandchild and fly off into space! These engaging activities are created through motion capture. Kinoo connects to your device via a “magic” wand you send to your grandchild. This wand allows your grandchildren to interact with you via the app. For example, in the baking game it will be their whisk or if you play baseball it will become their bat. This allows for imagination based learning where the child can move and jump around while they interact with you. Children are much more focused during movement and play, which is how Kinoo helps families connect no matter how far apart they are.