Do’s And Don’ts When Choosing Skincare Products
When it comes to skincare routines and products, there’s no way that you can choose to compromise on the quality and efficiency of the products you’re using on your skin, especially if you’re using it on your face where the skin is prone to be highly sensitive and can easily develop acne and irritations. Additionally, skincare can be on the expensive side, so you really wouldn’t want to shell out a fortune on bad products that aren’t really going to do much for your skin.
In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the do’s and don’ts that you have to keep in mind when you’re choosing skincare products for your body and face, let’s get started!
1. Do check the ingredients in the products
The first thing you need to do before you even consider using a product on your skin is go over the ingredients used in the products. Very often, brands that seem to be organic and chemical-free on the outside end up using extremely harsh chemicals that can adversely affect your skin in the long run. Aluminum and Parabens are one of the most commonly used chemicals that you should try to avoid. It’s also a good idea to do a background check on the brand you’re interested in, to see if all their products have a good reputation that can be trusted.
For example, Tata Harper Organics is one such skincare brand that a lot of people have been using recently, because of how transparent they are with their ingredients and also because their collection caters to a variety of skin types and can be used by just about anyone.
2. Do buy the right products for your skin type
Another common mistake that many people end up making is choosing skincare products without confirming if the products will be suitable for your skin type. For example, if you went for a sunscreen that’s extremely oily while already having oily skin, there’s a 90% chance that using the product will result in your skin breaking out very soon. Sometimes, you may even go for extremely dry creams which will dry out your skin and make it flaky if your skin happens to be a combination of oily and dry.
To avoid such mishaps, it’s best to thoroughly understand what the product offers and what skin type it’ll suit best before jumping into it.
3. Don’t experiment if you have sensitive skin
While some people love to experiment with different products until they find the perfect one, this may not be a good idea for you if you break out very often. This is because getting rid of acne scars can be even harder than getting rid of acne, so you don’t want to end up with too many scars while trying to find the perfect night cream!
4. Don’t leave out the essentials
While you certainly can cut down on how many skin care products you use everyday, it’s best to not cut out on essential products like sunscreen, face washes, and moisturizers, because not using at least these 3 products can end up in clogged pores, oily skin, and sun burns. Instead, you can choose to cut out on the face masks and peel off masks if you’re a person who doesn’t enjoy applying products on your face.