Don’t Know Much About Cabin air Filters! Read More
With the oncoming spring season, it is necessary to upgrade and clean your cabin air filters. Spring is best for outings, listening to the chirpings of the bird, and enjoying nature. Though, the pollen and related allergies that it brings is something we can stay behind.
The quantity of dust and pollen in the air increases in the spring season leading to seasonal allergies. We cannot remove all the dust or pollen from the air, but with cabin air filters, we can ensure that the air we breathe inside the air is not contaminated. The cabin air filter is indeed integral to our car system, and in this article, we will learn more about this component.
What are cabin air filters?
The car you drive with so much passion has a cabin air filter in its heating ventilation, and air conditioning. It performs a function similar to the one present in the engine of your car. It is situated behind the glovebox in most cars and ensures that no harmful allergen enters the car atmosphere. It can also be present in other places, like:
- Under the dashboard, mostly on the passenger’s side
- Under the car’s hood, near your cabin
It is essential to the car’s filtration system, and when you start smelling foul odor or experience decreased airflow, it is an indication that you need to replace them for fresh air.
What material does a cabin air filter have?
A cabin air filter, a small-pleated component uses paper-based multi-fiber cotton or engineered material. The air outside the car cannot come inside without going through the cabin air filter. It cleans and filters the air for any contaminants before it lets it enter the car and mix with the air you breathe.
Why is replacing the cabin air filter essential?
Other than breathing in the fresh air and having an unpleasant driving experience, here are other benefits of having and keeping the cabin air filter clean:
1. A comfortable drive with almost no odor
Replacing the cabin air filter will ensure that you have a comfortable ride and never have to breathe in foul-smelling or contaminated air. It also keeps the HVAC system working efficiently and the car hygienic.
2. Smooth-running AC
If your cabin air filter has harmful particles, the AC has to work more to push cool or warm air. It makes your AC noisy and the drive uncomfortable. When you have a proper-functioning cabin air filter, the AC will work efficiently as well.
3. Helps with decreasing visibility and safety issues
Driving with a foggy windscreen is not easy. It can even lead to accidents. When you have properly functioning cabin air filters, it defrosts any fog essential for road safety.
Signs that your cabin air filter needs replacement
Keep a look-out for these signs to know when to change the cabin air filters
- A decrease in air circulation inside the passenger compartment
- Inefficient functioning of air conditioning and heating
- Odor in the car, especially on the passenger side
- Ducting of the cabin air filter giving out weird sounds.
Frequently asked questions
How often does the cabin air filter need changing?
Experts recommend that changing cabin air filters need to be changed either every 12k miles or annually. If you suffer from allergies, change it more often. Also, you need to change it frequently if you drive on roads full of dirt.
What are the repercussions of not changing the cabin air filter?
If you delay changing your cabin air filters, it will:
- Become clogged with debris and dirt
- Compromise the HVAC system of the car
- Lead to decreased air volume in the passenger compartment. That will lead to foul odors in the car
Simple tips to keep car’s air clean and fresh
Here are few tips that along with cabin air filter helps with keeping the air inside fresh and clean:
- Use air freshener of good quality
- Clean the car frequently and cabin air filter
Having quality cabin air filter is a small but essential part of your car. It keeps the people inside safe from allergens amongst other things. Therefore, do not ignore the importance of this minor component and replace it on time for best comfort.