Different Ways to Tuck in Your Shirt
Do you always face a problem while tucking your shirt in? You tuck it in before going to work, but by the time you reach your office, it becomes loose and untidy. Don’t worry; even famous style icons go through this trouble while tucking in their shirt.
Dressing for the occasion is a part of grooming. Just like you pay close attention while using your favorite Manscaped beard trimmer, you should also be attentive to the hem of the shirt you are wearing.
1. Straight hem – if you have a shirt with uniform length all around, understand that it has a straight hem. You can either tuck it in or wear it untucked.
2. Curved hem – if your shirt has an elongated tail and front, it means you will deal with a curved hem. Shirts with curved hems need to be tucked in.
Now that you are aware of the two types of shirt hems let’s look at the types of shirt tucks.
The military tuck
The military tuck is one of the most formal shirts tucking methods that you will ever come across. Usually, when you tuck a shirt, there is extra fabric around the front and on the sides making the shirt look loose and untidy. The military tuck will solve that problem.
In this technique, you need to tuck the shirt into your waistband, but don’t just end there. Instead of buttoning up, you must run your thumb or forefinger around the front and reach the sides of the waistband. This will smooth the extra fabric and won’t leave any creases in the front or at the sides. Once you finish, pinch the side around your waist and fold the shirt slightly back to give a fitted look. The idea is to maintain the shirt’s front line with your trouser’s zip.
The underwear tuck
Don’t go by the name of this technique because it does not involve tucking your shirt inside your underwear. Instead, it follows a layered tucking method if you are wearing an undershirt. Make sure you tuck the undershirt into your briefs or boxers. Next, wear a shirt and trousers and tuck the shirt in. Try following the military tuck after this to look better.
The half tuck
This is another popular shirt tucking method that is more popular for casual events. It involves leaving the back of the shirt to hang loose outside the trouser while the front of the shirt is tucked in. Tuck the shirt inside your jeans and run your thumb from front to the sides. Now slowly take out the shirt from the back, but don’t hurry. You might disturb the tucked front for which you will have to tuck the shirt back again. Reach the sides of the shirt and see if you have taken out half the shirt out from the back. Don’t go too far in front; else, the entire shirt may come out of your jeans while walking.
You should always pick the appropriate shirt tucking method according to the event you are attending. If it is a formal event, don’t try the half tuck. You should well know what to do and when right?