Dating Tips for the Modern and Progressive Man
Nowadays, all too many men assume that, in light of developments like the #MeToo movement, they simply can’t talk to women or other potential partners anymore. However, the opposite is true—if you’re treating a romantic connection with respect, you have more opportunities to meet the right person both online and in real life than ever before. Keeping a few dating tips in mind, though, can expand these opportunities even further, making each date more fulfilling and giving you a much higher chance of sparking a genuine connection.
Be open-minded with potential partners.
The adage “opposites attract” is common for a good reason—someone exactly like you may very well not be a good match. With that in mind, you need to be open-minded when it comes to your date and their interests. For example, many men would scoff at a woman who shared her passion for astrology. Even if you don’t believe that celestial objects have any say in what happens on Earth, that’s okay, so long as you let her enjoy explaining Capricorn and Virgo compatibility with as much gusto as she likes. You‘ll even score points on any next date if you can bring up something you learned about her interest since! Unless an interest indicates a major dealbreaker, by your own standards, or it’s something that harms others, a hobby is just that, not cause for scorn.
Put effort into your appearance.
Just as you don’t want to ruin your chances with a great person by laughing at their horoscope, you don’t want to avoid starting off on the wrong foot by dressing poorly. If your closet could use a bit of a makeover before your next first date, that’s okay; you won’t have to spend a fortune. You’ll find you can invest in clothes and accessories, such as the best watch brands for men, at a great price with a bit of effort! This is a great option for finding pieces in your price range, and your date will never have to know that your luxury watch was a steal.
Grow your friendships first.
Before you can find the love of your life, some of your strongest connections will be through platonic friendships. In fact, this point can go in two directions. On the one hand, your closest friends will be by your side for far longer than the average relationship or casual hookup. On the other, some of the greatest love stories of all time start out as friendships. By building strong friendships with people of all genders identities and sexualities, you’ll have friendships to last a lifetime and may very well meet your significant other along the way.
Stay true to yourself.
Perhaps most importantly, it’s crucial that you stay true to yourself throughout the dating process. In some instances, this might even mean you have to spend some time getting to know your authentic self first. From there, consider how you go about dates and relationships. You don’t want to act like someone else in order to find a potential partner, and you don’t want to date someone who’s wrong for you just to have a partner or to please the people around you. Check in with yourself periodically and ensure a particular pairing is really in your best interest, and proceed to adjust accordingly.
Dating can be intimidating, but for the modern and progressive man, it can be a fulfilling adventure. Whether your snappy fashion catches her eye, you bond with him over shared interests, or you’ve been friends with them for a lifetime, you may very well be surprised by the person you learn is absolutely perfect for you.