Cool Summer Fashion Hacks
When the summer comes up, the beach lights up!! People are really fond of summer, you get beautiful weather and you can enjoy it hassle free. People these days are a huge fan of DIYs. There are few unknown facts regarding summer that everyone is not aware of and can use DIY for them. We would like to share few of those facts with you.
Easy Hack to get smoothest shaven legs:
For shaved smooth legs you need to follow few simple steps. Start the process with shaving you leg once with a razor then make a paste with 3 tablespoons of olive oil, two tablespoons of honey and half cup sugar. Apply this paste on your legs where you had shaved and scrub.
After scrubbing for 2-3 minutes shave again with your razor. You will notice that you get smoothest skin and the process is tried and tested with no side effects.
During summers people sweat a hell lot more than they do in any other season. If you wear a ring, the insides of the ring leave a green mark on your skin. To avoid this you can apply a coat of clear nail polish in the inside of the ring. This will protect your skin from having those green marks.
De shine your face after oily sunscreen:
When you apply sunscreens you will notice that you get a greasy finish at times. To fix this we have a hack to help you. You will need a thin tissue paper and a compact. After you applied the sunscreen take the tissue paper and put it on your skin, now take some compact powder in your compact brush and apply it lightly on your face through tissue paper. Do not apply too much of powder. This will make your skin fresh and sweat and oily look free.
Cold shoulder is always cool:
Cold shoulder dresses are comfort and style sensation in summer. More over you should choose light color and floral design to match with summer heat. Cotton and other cooling fabric is available in summer dresses to cope heat.
Protect your stuffs from sand:
When you go to a beach and come back after an enjoyable day you are instantly turned off by looking at the amount of sand that your stuffs brought along with them. To protect your accessories and other things that you take to beach from sand you can use a plastic bag that has a slit cover on the top that can be opened and zipped easily.
Flip flop hack:
When you are at the beach enjoying the waves and the sand play you totally forget about your flip flops and where you put them. They get lost in the sand heaps. To help you keep your flip flops safe and protected from sand heaps we have a hack for you. You will need a harness clip for this. You can clip the flip flops at the stroke of your bag that you carried to the beach with the help of a harness clip. This will make them attached to your bag along with your other belongings and it becomes easy to walk on the beach and you don’t even have to carry your flip flops in your hands while you walk.
Dark shades absorb heat more than lighter shade colors, if you can, just try to avoid wearing dark colors like black, dark blue, etcetera in summer.
You should try and wash your face every two to three hours in summer. Keep splashing water every three hours on your face because this keeps your skin cool to much extent.
You should tie hair but not too tight because that will make you sweat more and will make your hair smell too. Tie your hair up in loose bun or loose pony tails.
Summer socks are mandatory
You should wear summer socks daily. They might seem unimportant but they are very useful to keep your feet protected from direct sun rays.
Apply cooling face packs at least once a week. There are many face packs available in market like water melon face pack, etcetera. You can even make face packs at your home; they are organic as well as chemical free.
Moisturize your whole body at least twice a day. During summers your skin needs to be hydrated, drink lots and lots of water and moisturize your entire body at least twice a day.
Try to avoid too much make up during summers. Caking your skin will stop the skin from breathing freely and will clog your pores which damages the skin. So try and avoid too much make up.
Wear comfortable clothes and avoid wearing fitted clothes as much as you can. Wear cotton clothes more as they can absorb sweat and allow your skin to breathe.
If you want to have a temporary tan you can make a self tanner. Take a tea spoon of cocoa powder and some amount of moisturizer. Mix it well into a paste and apply it on your skin. You will get a glowing natural tan that can be removed easily.
When you come back home after a long day in pollution and heat, apply potato juice mask on face. This is the best de tanning mask for your skin and also cures pigmentation and patchy skin. You can even mix aloe Vera gel with honey to make a de tanning pack.
Most important thing to remember is to stay hydrated in summer. Drink lots of water and carry water bottle with you whenever you travel.
Keep facial tissues with you and keep dabbing your skin when you feel that you are sweating too much. Carry an umbrella with you and avoid direct sun rays as much as possible. Use talcum powder because they are good sweat absorbents. You should also carry talcum powder with you in your vanity box. Wear glares in sunlight that will protect your eyes and also carry a light colored scarf to cover your face and head.
Eat fruits and drink juice to maintain water balance in your body. Staying healthy is more fashionable than sacrificing health for fashion. Forget not to give your body the best summer treatment for a glowing and smooth look.