Challenges of Implementing New Technology
Adopting technology is a challenge that is common across different industries. No one likes change, especially when it is abrupt and frequent. In order to have a competitive edge, a company needs to be able to adapt to the changes, even when it comes to implementation. There are some common pitfalls that you can avoid when trying to implement new technology in the organization and we’re going to highlight some of them.
Fear of Change
This particular challenge is likely to affect everyone in the organization. It will start with the top management to the junior employees. The fear of the unknown is always uncomfortable. One is not sure how the new technology is going to be received.
Is it going to be hard to use? Will it make jobs redundant? The only way you can overcome this challenge is to educate the workforce on the potential benefits of the new technology. You could be a web agency that is doing data scraping manually when there is a Web Scraping API that can improve the speed and efficiency of the process.
You also can’t avoid technology for the sake of it. There will come a time where radical changes need to be made in the business and there will be no other option but to look for new technology.
Cost is a big consideration in any decision making process. As much as a company might need new technology to improve efficiency, there could be an issue with the cost which makes adopting new technology unsustainable. As the owner of the company, you will need to be creative with the approach. It is important to identify your needs first before anything else. You don’t want to be investing in new technology when it is not necessary for the organization.
Non-Standard and Complex Processes
In order to overcome these challenges, it will be crucial that rationalization is coming into play. A company could be having multiple systems working concurrently and introducing a new one will only lead to further complexities. A company will have to identify old and inefficient systems before they can go out shopping for a new one. It is not always the case that a new system will be needed. In order to streamline the processes, you will need collaboration from all the stakeholders involved.
Getting Everyone Onboard
Even when the technology has been implemented in the organization, there are no guarantees that you will have everyone on board. There will be naysayers who will be skeptical regarding the use of the new technology. One of the ways you can avoid such a predicament is by including the different departments in the selection process. If the acquisition is backed by the majority of members of the organization, there will not be a lot of friction when it comes to the implementation. Provide an avenue for the team to express concerns in a productive manner so that you’re fully aware of the challenges.
Communicating Benefits
A company could find it hard trying to communicate the benefits of the new software or technology in the business. Not everyone will be aware from the onset and it is unhealthy to assume they will. There are tools that can help in communicating ROI but the most effective approach would be to offer a demonstration. That way, you will be sure that the employees will be looking forward to the implementation of the new technology. There are examples that you could also provide, however, they might not work for every industry.
Supporting Structure
You might have the best technology but it will be as good as useless if there are no supporting structures. There should be experienced IT experts on the team, especially if you’re dealing with a customized technology that has been developed from the ground up. The organization will also have to invest in training so there are no issues when it comes to the use of the technology.
The Cloud
Most businesses are yet to take full advantage of the cloud for a true transformation of the processes. Almost all companies agree that cloud solutions improve the efficiency of work processes. Since 2018, the majority of software applications that are being offered as a service are cloud-based. With this information, the transition should be planned in a manner that allows for robustness and scaling, as this can be made easier by opting for cloud-based solutions. A business that is operating in the current era should not be afraid of change.