Cases That a Personal Injury Attorney Can Help You With
We all know that the world can be a dangerous place. From traffic collisions and industrial accidents to falls and workplace injuries, there are many potential risks we need to be aware of – some of which are caused by the negligent or wrongful acts of another person. So naturally, we all hope that we won’t fall victim to anything like that; however, in the unfortunate event that you are harmed through an accident, there are people you can turn to for help. Depending on the circumstances, a personal injury attorney might be able to build a compensation case. Here are some of the main types of situations in which they can assist you.
Car and truck accidents
Unfortunately, collisions on the road are all too common, with literally millions of car accidents happening every year in the US. If you are injured in an accident with a car, truck, or other commercial vehicle that wasn’t your fault, a personal injury attorney can represent you in your fight for compensation. It’s important not to get caught up in establishing blame at the scene, but instead to take pictures if you can and then hire a lawyer as soon as possible. This gives them the best chance of obtaining the evidence you need to receive compensation.
Uber and Lyft accidents
Rideshare services are becoming much more popular these days, with companies such as Uber and Lyft offering convenient and affordable transportation when you don’t want to drive yourself. However, if you are unfortunate enough to be in a rideshare vehicle that gets into an accident, it could be worth contacting a personal injury lawyer such as Horst Shewmaker – especially if you were hurt or your property was damaged. Likewise, if you’re a driver for one of these companies and involved in an accident that wasn’t your fault, a specialist attorney can assist you.
Slip and fall injuries
These are perhaps the most common type of cases that spring to mind when we think of personal injury lawyers. If you are injured after slipping and falling on someone else’s property, then you might be eligible for compensation to cover costs such as medical bills and lost earnings. Try to get as much detail together as you can about what happened, as well as medical documentation to support your claim. If there was something specific that caused you to fall, it’s a good idea to take a photo of it too.
Dog bites
Most dogs are friendly and harmless; however, if you are unlucky enough to be bitten by one, then a specialist dog bite attorney could help you to receive compensation. These cases are known for being especially tricky thanks to the range of regulations and organizations involved (including the police, animal control, and insurance companies). Therefore hiring a lawyer can ease some of your burdens and assist you in determining what the best course of action is. As with all cases, take photos of your injuries and keep any medical documents you receive.