Benefits of Shopping from Your Favorite Leading Brands and Donating to Charity
As a life-long consumer, you’re naturally inclined to have developed favorite brands over the years. For many, brand-loyalty may be determined not just by the products sold by the brand, but also by the charitable work that the brand conducts. Many organizations now donate to causes relating to health, food, natural disasters, and many more.
You may be wondering, however, whether there are any benefits to buying from your favorite leading brands and donating to charity through them rather than just donating directly. This article discusses the benefit of engaging in both acts simultaneously:
1. Anonymous Giving
Many buyers can enjoy the privilege of anonymous giving by buying from their favorite charitable brands. This can be referred to as the ‘You Shop. Brands Donate.’ model.
For example, TOM Shoes is focused on improving lives. As described on their official website, they initially launched a one-for-one campaign, meaning that another pair is donated for every pair of shoes bought. They further switched that model to a profit-based model where for every $3 they make, they donate $1.
You can always take part in such projects by searching online for exclusive lists and reviews. There are also specific sites that can help you find brands that can help you donate anonymously to a charity.
2. Variety of Choice
By donating through product purchasing, you can diversify where your donated money is going to. Depending on the brand, the company may donate to a variety of causes, or you can buy things that you need from various sources (grocery stores, pharmacies, etc.) and know that your money is going to several different good causes.
3. Better Value
When you shop for your clothing at a leading brand, you can avoid paying unwarranted high prices for luxury but also get to impact a person in need through that purchase. You’ll get better value for your purchase by buying similar quality with other product offerings the brand products but still donate a part of that price to people in need.
An example is the red.org partnership with reputable brands such as Apple, Durex, Beats by Dre, and Starbucks. This partnership allows favorite brands to donate proceeds of designated red products to the fight against AIDs. Apple also donated parts of these proceeds to coronavirus relief. This means anyone who buys these products will pay the same amount as other colors for the same quality but with an opportunity to give to others.
4. Donated to an Identified Need
You can make sure that you’re giving something to a cause that needs it. Before leading brands donate an amount to a cause, they do their due diligence in research and verification of a cause, so you’re sure that it’s really important issues you’re contributing to.
Your personal donations may lack such detailed research, making it possible to donate to an unimportant or nonexistent cause in the process. You’ll be giving through a brand you identify with its culture and operations and can be sure of the donation’s existence.
5. Personal Social Responsibility and Better Impact
The emphasis on personal and corporate social responsibility is at a higher rate. As a consumer, you can take credit for and partake in your favorite brand’s socially responsible act towards charitable causes sustainability and take credit for contributing your part to a good social cause.
Brands also have the platform to pool the small percentage of yours and other customers’ purchases together to make a meaningful donation instead of you making an isolated small donation to a cause that requires millions of dollars. You can make your purchases based on the causes your favorite brands are affiliated with. This allows you to focus your giving to a specific community or cause you’re interested in while taking advantage of the huge platform the brand has to make a meaningful impact.
Final Thoughts
As our rapidly changing world experiences a surge in unprecedented natural disasters, lack of food and water, and pandemics, successful brands need to contribute to help those in need. They do this by donating a portion of their profits from products you buy to identified need areas.
Customers can benefit from the opportunity to give anonymously. Leading brands have a wealth of variety, allowing them to choose instead of being limited to a specific purchase. You can get better value for your purchase and give to those in need the most through companies’ due diligence. You can do your part in social responsibility by donating through your purchases.