Bathroom Decorating 101: Is Wallpaper Waterproof? How To Know If Your Wallpaper Should Be Sealed From Moisture
Wallpaper is a popular choice for covering walls in bathrooms and small spaces to provide depth and interest. If the room where you’re installing wallpaper has a high humidity content, you want to use a waterproof wallpaper that seals out the moisture to prevent peeling or mildew from forming under the wallpaper. Vinyl is one option designed specifically for bathrooms, because of its durability and cleanability. If you’re buying wallpaper online or in the store, you may not have a huge selection of vinyl wallpaper. Although not all wallpaper is waterproof, you can make wallpaper waterproof with a little elbow grease.
Making Wallpaper Waterproof
Applying a coat of varnish to your wallpaper creates a seal that protects the wallpaper from moisture. It can be done in a day, but you want to make sure that the weather is dry for less humidity in the air. The room should be about 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Varnish comes in different finishes. A gloss finish has the highest sheen, so it reflects more light and appears shiny. Satin finishes aren’t quite as reflective, so the look can be more uniform and hide some defects. A matte or flat finish has little to no sheen. You’ll want to choose the right finish for your room.
Before applying the varnish, the wallpaper needs to be clean. It’s a good idea to wash the windows, sills and floors to get all the dust and dirt from the room to make sure that varnish stays clean while you’re working and while it’s drying. Fix all the cracks or blemishes in the wallpaper before applying varnish. The varnish can seep into small cracks in the paper, which causes even the best kids wallpaper to become discolored. Fix small cracks with a thin coat of glue.
Apply the varnish with a brush for an even coat. Don’t over-brush the varnish to avoid stroke marks. You don’t want to see the varnish once it dries. It can take 12 to 24 hours for the varnish to dry. Don’t touch the walls until you’re sure they are completely dry. You can apply another coat of satin varnish to get a different look.
Wallpaper Is a Great Design Option
Wallpaper seems to go in and out of style over time. It’s actually a great way to give a room some personality with a printed design without spending too much time or money on the work. Here’s information on how to install removable wallpaper in your home. Wallpaper is popular in powder rooms because the size of the room lends itself well to wallpaper. The room doesn’t have a lot of artwork or decorations that take away from the wallpaper. It can simply be a showstopper on its own. Kid-friendly wallpaper can hide a toddler’s rampage with a box of markers or colors. It’s easy to replace in a few years when the kids get older.
Find a large selection of wallpaper that can fit into your home. You’ll find murals, traditional wallpaper and removable wallpaper in a large variety of patterns and styles to complement your home’s personality and style.