Army Tents: Why Settle for an Army Tent?
You may be planning your next camping trip, and of course, you realize you need the essential camping gear before you set off in order for your camping experience to be as pleasurable and comfortable as possible.
A lot of outdoor enthusiasts are looking for tactical gear in order to have the best outdoor experience. From boots to backpacks, military grade equipment is becoming an in demand commodity among outdoor enthusiasts.
A camping tent simply is a must have for an outdoor enthusiast. It is a huge investment that makes a lot of sense especially for someone who spends a lot of time outdoors. These days, campers look closely at different types of camping gears ranging from light to heavy construction. But what makes army tents such a great option?
Given the need for sophisticated designs, a lot of outdoor enthusiasts now settle for army tents. Here are reasons to settle for an army tent.
Lightweight and durable
It is no secret that if you want to learn a thing or two about packing light, the military can give you a good insight on how to get this done. One of the best features of an army tent is that it is lightweight. Made of lightweight material, you can easily pack it and have an easier time in the outdoors especially during long hours of hiking.
And it is not just about the weight, military-grade materials are guaranteed to be durable. Different army tents are made in order to house troops in different harsh conditions. As an outdoor enthusiast, this is something that you can never go wrong with. Army tents could also last for years.
Perfect for the weather
Part of the army’s occupation is to be assigned in places with the harshest weather conditions. Temporary housing is a major concern for them making their tents comfortable even in these situations. With army tents designed for the harsh weather, casual hikers can get the best outdoor experience once they settle for an army tent instead of the commercially available tents. You can expect rain protection features along with sufficient ventilation on army tents.
Different sizes
There are different sizes of army tents available in the market today. There are those tents meant for individual campers, while there are also tents for a larger number of outdoor enthusiasts. Teepee tents for instance give you enough room for up to six people.
Modern designs
It is common in the military to constantly improve designs in order to give their personnel an easier time during missions. Tents have been constantly updated over the years. This is a good reason to settle for an army tent. Army tent designs are well funded in order to ensure the best housing experience, without compromising the weight. Backpack tents make a good example of this. Over the years, the backpack army tents have evolved to the point wherein it weighs just around 3.8 pounds, but it could already house two people comfortably in three different seasons.
Military grade equipment has always been in demand. The same goes for tents, you can never go wrong with an army tent. If you are a true outdoor enthusiast, expect comfort and functionality wrapped into one when you purchase an army tent. The army tents are also guaranteed lightweight and durable, perfect for long hours of hiking and the worst weather conditions.