Abstinence Vs. Moderation: An Inside Look At Addiction Recovery Philosophies
Moderation management and abstinence are two techniques used in alcohol addiction recovery. Moderation in chronic alcohol addiction involves cutting back on alcohol consumption and abstaining from drinking for set periods, while abstinence is complete avoidance of alcohol.
While moderation may be a realistic path for some people with chronic alcohol addiction, it is not recommended for most people in recovery because most people who suffer from chronic alcoholism have trouble controlling their drinking once they start.
Therefore, abstinence is the safest and most effective option for most people suffering from alcohol addiction, but here’s a closer look at why.
False sense of control
Unlike abstinence, managing chronic alcohol addiction through moderation might lure people into a false sense of security, leading them to believe that they’re in control when they’re not.
In reality, these people are just exchanging one form of addiction for another. Moderately managed alcoholism can be just as destructive as full-blown alcoholism, and it may even be harder to overcome because it is harder to recognize.
People who moderate their drinking may rationalize their behavior, telling themselves that they are not addicted because they can stop anytime they want.
Resetting tolerance
Most people are familiar with the idea that drinking alcohol can lead to a tolerance for the substance. In other words, the more you drink, the more your body becomes accustomed to the effects of alcohol, and you need to drink more to feel drunk. However, many people don’t realize that this process is reversible.
If you decide to abstain from alcohol for a while, your tolerance will reset. You will once again become sensitive to the effects of alcohol, which can be a helpful tool for people struggling to find moderation in their drinking.
The expense
Moderation can also be more expensive than abstinence since you have to buy alcohol in larger quantities if you want to keep your consumption under control. After all, if you’re only going to have a drink or two, you have to buy a whole bottle of alcohol, which can cost more than simply not buying any alcohol.
Plus, many bars and restaurants charge a premium for mixed drinks and cocktails, so abstaining from alcohol can save you money if you’re used to going out for drinks.
Potential health effects
It’s no secret that moderate drinking has been linked with several health problems. Studies have shown that even moderate consumption of alcohol can increase your risk of developing cancer, high blood pressure, and other chronic conditions.
In addition, moderate drinking can also lead to weight gain, liver damage, and other adverse health effects. So, if you’re looking to improve your overall health, it might be better to abstain.
Final thoughts
So, what’s the answer? Should you swear off all addictive substances for good, or can you have a little bit of fun without going overboard? The truth is, it depends on the person. Some people may be able to moderate their behavior and enjoy controlled amounts of alcohol or drugs without becoming addicted again.
Others may find that complete abstinence is the only way to stay sober. No one approach is right for everyone, but abstinence is probably the better option when looking at the potential effects of moderation management.