A Fast Guide to Selling Your Home in 2020
The housing market took a huge hit when the pandemic broke out. People were canceling their travels and staying at home. They didn’t know when it would be safe to change locations.
Fortunately, the market is roaring back! The western region of the USA in particular has enjoyed the most dramatic market resurgence.
People are considering selling their homes again and want to find the easiest way to do so. This quick guide to selling your home will walk you through the steps you’ll need to sell your house life with the minimum of hassle.
Find the Right Real Estate Agent
The barrier to entry for real estate agents is surprisingly low. If you just pick an agent at random, you run the risk of finding someone without the connections and stellar competence that will allow you to enjoy the best service.
A great real estate agent will help you prepare your home for sale, find buyers, and then negotiate with fervor for your interests. While it can be important to be frugal during your home sale, the right real estate agent will more than make up the cost of hiring them.
If you’ve wondered how to sell a house, a real estate agent can help clarify all your detailed questions.
Use a Comparative Market Analysis
A competitive market analysis is a report that compares your property to similar ones in your area. Make sure to have your real estate agent run this analysis, and use it to set the right price as you’re learning how to sell your home.
A well-prepared agent will also know what to do with the rest of the information in the competitive market analysis.
Have a Home Inspection Performed
Having a home inspection performed is one of the steps in selling a home that many people are already familiar with. You don’t want to overlook this essential part of knowing how to sell a house.
Your buyer’s real estate agent may use all kinds of tactics in price negotiation. It’s important that your agent has the information they’ll need to manage negotiations to your benefit. This means a home inspection.
Your home inspection will give you and your agent all kinds of basic information regarding your HVAC system, your foundation, your windows and walls, and more.
Find an ASHI Associate home inspector to make sure you get the best service possible.
Present Your Home In Its Best Light
Once you know the state of your house as it is, it’s time to upgrade it to a better version of itself. A few economical improvements can pay for themselves many times over.
The most important part of preparing your home for buyers is cleaning and organizing it. You’ve probably done your best to make your home look its best for your family, but preparing it for sale is a little different.
Along with tidying up, you’ll want to consider which of your furnishings help your house look its best. Some items that are useful or comfortable may not be the most visually appealing. Temporarily remove furnishings that you love but which aren’t the best for pure aesthetics.
The Simple Guide to Selling Your Home
We hope that you found something helpful in this brief guide to selling your home. To learn more about lifestyle, travel, and more, check out our other pages.