How to Prepare Your Dooh Campaign for Pdooh
DOOH has been one of the fastest-growing media segments over the past few years – and this growth does not appear to be stopping anytime soon.
Global demand for greater flexibility, buying efficiency, and more targeted and creative capabilities continues to drive the rise of programmatic trading in digital out-of-home advertising.
PDOOH is becoming more and more popular among agencies and brands, and advertisers around the globe are preparing to offer more robust PDOOH.
If this is your case as well, keep reading. In this article, we’ll provide some insightful tips on how to prepare your DOOH campaign for PDOOH.
Learn about how to measure your PDOOH advertising
As OOH moved to digital, tracking and reporting vastly improved.
Programmatic DOOH has evolved into a new, more flexible, and universal metric – impressions.
Before, advertisers could only consider Daily Effective Circulation (DECs), which represented the average amount of people that pass by an ad on a daily basis. Now, they can also consider a new metric: Variable Adjustment Index (VAI), which allows for a more precise calculation of reach.
Considering these metrics is a great start to preparing your DOOH campaign for PDOOH, as they are essential for determining whether your campaign is performing well or you’re just wasting money.
Re-think the design and copy and make it suitable for digital roadside screens, billboards, etc.
PDOOH allows you to display your ads on multiple digital platforms, including digital billboards, digital roadside screens, and so on.
It would be wise to make your ad more appropriate for different formats and locations and improve its design and copy so that it can be more effective and get better results.
Re-consider your budget
Bringing a DOOH campaign to programmatic DOOH also changes the cost of your advertisement.
PDOOH prices do not depend on inventory booking rates; programmatic offers real-time prices and charges are based on the number of impressions delivered.
Even though PDOOH lets you specify key conditions such as impressions and CPM (Cost Per Thousand) for your ad to run, you may need to rethink the budget to allocate for your marketing campaign, whether it is higher or lower than you had originally planned.
Find a reliable PDOOH platform
Another thing to consider as you prepare your DOOH for PDOOH is to find an automated platform that is reliable, simple to use, and extensive.
When choosing a PDOOH platform, ensure it lets you:
- Create your ad with a few clicks;
- Consider audience targeting (geo-targeting, retargeting, etc.) and personalization options;
- Identify your campaign’s performance in terms of planned and spent budgets by campaign, advertiser, seller, and agency; audiences, impressions, and individual screen performance;
- The ability to view reports by day, week, month, and eCPM;
- Get support if necessary;
And there you have it – everything you need to know about preparing your DOOH campaign for PDOOH. As outlined in this blog post, preparing your DOOH campaign for PDOOH requires a few simple actions. However, by implementing these, you can deliver winning advertising strategies that will bring to you the best results in terms of exposure and sales.