Kitchen Feng Shui Rules and Tips
Feng Shui is an ancient art of organization and positioning aimed to create a healthy energy flow throughout the home. This Chinese art is practiced worldwide to lay the foundations of a peaceful and balanced life. According to Feng Shui principles, the kitchen is the heart of the home. And if not kept in good condition, a kitchen can become the reason for anxiety & stress. Whereas, if a kitchen complies to Feng Shui principles, the energy across the home can be warm and inviting.
When you are planning a kitchen layout, you need to pay attention to several key factors, such as design, location, and placement of kitchen appliances. The correct positioning of kitchen appliances is sometimes more important than the direction of the kitchen itself. It is because the incorrect positioning of the kitchen appliances brings in the Sha & Si Chi (negative and harmful energy). Therefore, it is essential to understand and implement Feng Shui kitchen rules and tips for your and the family’s well-being.
Top 9 Feng Shui Kitchen Rules for The Positive Energy Flowing Through Your Kitchen
1. Avoid Red and Black Colors in Your Kitchen
Feng Shui principle describes a stove and red color as a fire element. Placing a stove on red countertops translates to placing fire on fire which encourages aggression and hostility. Besides Red, Black color is also believed to affect the overall environment and energy in the kitchen negatively. While red is an aggressive color, Black provokes sadness. Thus, to maintain the positive vibes, and nurturing energy, avoid these two colors in the kitchen.
2. Never Place Kitchen Across Bathroom and Bedroom in the Floor Plan
Bedrooms and Bathrooms possess calm and slow energies, in contrast to the kitchen’s lively and positive energy. Your floor plan should never have the kitchen placed across these two low energy rooms, as it can spread confusing & muddled vibes and give rise to health issues. However, if there is a space issue, and the kitchen has to be kept in front of the bedroom or bathroom, try placing some sort of partition in between. So that, the bathroom or bedroom is not visible from the stove directly.
3. Do not Leave Dirty Dishes Overnight
It is always advised not to leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight. Doing so brings in sickly and negative energy. Dirty dishes are seen as grime and disease, so make sure to clean the dishes before you leave the kitchen for the night. In a scenario, when cleaning is not possible, place the dirty dishes somewhere out of sight. Keeping the dishes away from the sight will less likely attract the dark energy inside.
4. Keep Dishes, Pans, and Pots of the kitchen Up to Mark
If you still use old, chipped, and worn out utensils in the kitchen, consider replacing them at the earliest, when you are trying to implement Feng Shui rules. There should not be any dented or bent dishes and pots in the kitchen. According to Feng Shui, all the things including drawer and the cabinets must be in working order. Also, you can try coordinating the style and color of your utensils with your kitchen decor. If you are confused, try Feng shui sector colors as your guidelines to select the essential tools and cheap kitchen cabinets.
5. Display Fresh Flowers and Fruits
Since Feng Shui is all about right and positive energy, keep all the stale items far from your kitchen. You can keep fresh fruits and flowers on display to invite liveliness and good vibes. For example, you can go for live houseplants, freshly cut flowers and fruits to keep on display and encourage healthy and vibrant energy across the area. Besides you, the vibrant energy will also reflect in your family and guests lives. However, you need to be sure that there is no rotten fruit or flower left out there, else the energy can have the opposite impact, and you may invite the sickness inside.
6. Keep the Kitchen Storage Clean
Storage and pantry are an essential aspect of a kitchen, especially when you are after Feng Shui rules. You should pay special attention to the kitchen storage and keep the pantry doors closed all the time. Keep the mops and brooms in closets. Do not leave a towel over a kitchen handle, and lastly, keep each bit of the storage clean.
7. Do Not Place a Kitchen Close to Your Home Front Door
When the front door of the home opens directly to the kitchen, Feng Shui science considers it as the worst positioning of the kitchen in the floor plan. The kitchen should not be the first place to be viewed when entering the house. However, the scenario applies only to the floorplan where the entry to the home is literally through the kitchen. It does not apply to the floor plans when the kitchen is set back and partially visible from the entrance.
In a case when you cannot avoid such an unfortunate floor plan, try some feng shui kitchen cures to balance the vibes. For example, in the worst Feng Shui scenario, an oven or stove is seen from the front door. You can cure this by presenting a good picture of your kitchen on the entrance, by replacing the oven or stove with a little herb garden, or island with fresh flowers and fruits.
8. Bring in Some Natural Light to the Kitchen
Since the kitchen is a place accommodating the fire and water elements, the lighting should be balanced in each area of the kitchen. Try to bring some natural light adequately to save energy. Also, use LEDs in spotlight areas such as cooking areas and worktop. Use more creative ways to create a cheerful and sunny environment in your kitchen.
9. Keep the Knives Out of Sight
According to Feng Shui, knives make people uncomfortable and threatened, so these should be kept out of the sight. As a modern kitchen trend, you can store the knives in a butcher block or along a wall-mounted magnetic strip.
So, these were some of the most crucial tips you should follow to Feng Shui your kitchen to bring more positivity, health, and wealth to your home.