Natural Blood Thinners: List of Recommended Food and Heart-Healthy Tips
Many drugs in the US cost more than $120,000 a year, with a few going for $1 million. Other than the high cost of drugs, dependence on drugs can have long term implications. For this reason, many people are seeking home and natural remedies as a substitute for medicine.
Drug thinners are some of the common drugs prescribed to address abnormal blood clotting. Natural blood thinners are gaining traction as people detest the adverse implications of medications. However, these natural remedies shouldn’t be a substitute for already prescribed medicine.
Talk to your doctor before introducing the natural blood thinners to your routine. Check out this list to know some of the blood thinners you can incorporate in your diet.
1. Ginger
Ginger is an inflammatory spice that stops blood clotting. It has salicylate, which is a natural acid with the potential to thin blood. Ginger relaxes the muscles surrounding your blood vessels, consequently preventing clotting.
If you’ve been suffering from unusual blood clotting, a cup of ginger tea in the morning can make a difference. Your muscles will relax, and you’ll experience reduced inflammation. Ginger also has the potential to address other health conditions such as respiratory problems, arthritis, headaches, and morning sickness.
As the research on ginger as a blood thinner is still on its budding stage, it would help to consult with your doctor before jumping on the bandwagon. You ought to know if ginger can contradict the medication you’re using.
Some of the kinds of blood thinners that your doctor might prescribe are Heparin, Rivaroxaban, Edoxaban, and Fondaparinux. Most of these drugs are significantly strong. Taking ginger while on some of these medications might have repercussions.
2. Turmeric
The use of turmeric in natural medicine has increased over the last few years. Turmeric has several healing potentials. Curcumin is the rhizome in turmeric, which is responsible for most of its health benefits.
Due to its safe anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric has become a staple in several health supplements. Curcumin is an anticoagulant, and a daily dose can help in maintaining the right balance of this blood-thinning property.
You can use turmeric in soups and other dishes. Better still, you can make the ever-comforting turmeric tea. Besides the benefits on blood clotting, the curcumin in turmeric modulates blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar.
One of the downsides of curcumin as a blood thinner is its poor absorption in the bloodstream. Turmeric curcumin with piperine can improve its absorption, making it useful within the body. It is also challenging to establish the right dosage of turmeric when one wants to use it as a coagulant.
3. Cinnamon
Adding cinnamon to your tea makes it blissful. On other dishes, cinnamon has a delicious fragrance and taste. Besides its appeal to food, cinnamon is one of the most potent natural blood thinners.
Coumarin is the primary component in cinnamon that’s responsible for blood thinning. Warfarin is one of the blood-thinning medications derived from coumarin. Too much consumption of cinnamon can have more negative implications than benefits for patients taking blood-thinning drugs.
Whether you go for Ceylon cinnamon or the cassia type, the level of coumarin in both is relatively high. You need to take the spice sparingly. High levels of coumarin in the body ultimately lead to liver damage.
Cinnamon reduces your susceptibility to blood clots. It further keeps your circulation healthy. If you face a high risk of formation of blood clots, consider this natural herb for prevention.
Nonetheless, cinnamon should be an alternative to healing your blood clotting condition. Instead, use it in moderation as a preventive measure. The health impacts, which go beyond blood thinning, will excite you.
4. Cayenne Pepper
A recent study showed that women and men who took chili peppers at least four times a week were 44% less likely to succumb to heart diseases. The health benefits of cayenne pepper are overwhelming.
This natural herb has several properties that help in blood thinning. One of these blood-thinning agents in cayenne pepper is salicylates.
You can take your cayenne in cooked or raw form. Dried cayenne is available in stores in powdered form. Add the powder to tea, juices, or milk.
Cayenne pepper is also available in capsule form, making it easier to swallow. Due to its spicy nature, many people can only take in small amounts. Whichever way you decide to take your cayenne pepper, the health benefits that you’ll derive are worth tolerating the hotness.
5. Garlic
Garlic affects the two main parts of the clotting system, platelet, and fibrin. While it is healthier in its raw form, garlic still maintains its clot-buster benefits even after cooking. You can get garlic supplements and harness these unbeatable benefits.
Allium tuberosum lowers the levels of triglyceride and cholesterol. These types of garlic reduce heart diseases and plaque formation. Research has further confirmed that garlic supplement prevents blood clots from forming and high blood cholesterol.
What’s more, garlic has antioxidant agents that can protect your heart and blood vessels from the free oxygen radicals. It deters the growth of harmful bacteria and relieves arthritic pain.
Garlic is one of the natural blood thinners with highly pronounced components. In fact, your doctor might recommend staying off raw garlic for a week or two if you’re anticipating any form of surgery. As such, you might need to go slow in your intake of garlic.
6. Salmon
Salmon is one of the foods with the highest omega-3 fatty acids. These components play a significant role in blood thinning. The omega 3-fatty acids lower the level of cholesterol in your blood.
Regular consumption of salmon can reduce the risk of heart diseases, lower triglycerides, and inflammation. It is also known to aid in weight loss according to this clinic in El Cajon. Due to the blood thinning effects of omega-3 fatty acids, your daily intake should be less than 3 grams.
If you’re suffering from a heart condition, the fish oil will reduce the risk of blood clots. Omega-3 fatty acids in salmon prevent arteries from clogging. As a result, the potential for heart attacks reduces.
Consuming more than the recommended amount might expose you to increased bleeding. However, it is highly unlikely that the bleeding can cause hemorrhage. It is advisable to talk to your doctor to know the right amount of omega-3, depending on your condition.
7. Red Wine
Red wine has at least 500 chemical substances. These chemicals include Polyphenols, which have apparent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. They decrease bad cholesterol while increasing the good HDL cholesterol.
Nutritionists further believe that a glass of red wine can prevent heart diseases. Wine has blood-thinning properties that prevent the clogging of arteries. Highlighting wine as part of the natural blood thinners list is thrilling for those who consume alcohol.
While you might want to enjoy your glass of wine because of the listed benefits, moderation is key. Alcohol consumption has adverse implications on your health. The last thing you want is to get liver diseases in the pursuit of blood thinning.
If you’re already taking blood thinners such as warfarin, abstain from wine and other alcoholic drinks. The wine interacts with other drugs. It makes it hard for a healthcare provider to prescribe the right dosage.
8. Vitamin E
Vitamin E has proved effective in the prevention of cancer and other heart diseases. Research further suggests that Vitamin E reduces the risk of potentially life-threatening blood clots. The amount of these nutrients determines effectiveness.
While it has not been determined the amount of vitamin E that can thin blood, higher levels might have adverse effects. Sticking to less than 400 IU of vitamin E per day can help.
There are several vitamin E supplements on the market. Yet, it is recommendable to get your vitamins from foods. Some of the foods containing vitamin E include whole grains, almonds, sunflower seeds, and wheat germ.
9. Onions
Onions contain flavonoids that can thin your blood. This widely used staple has quercetin containing antioxidant properties. That means onions deal with the free radicals, which could damage your cell tissues.
Increasing the onions on your plate can deter platelet aggregation. The presence of anticoagulants in your body reduces the chances of blood clotting. It is best to eat onions in their raw form so that you can reap their full benefits.
You might want to talk to your doctor before adopting an onion-filled diet if you’re taking blood thinners. Quercetin supplements can also have adverse implications in such a case. While onions are every home’s staple, your doctor might recommend reduced consumption.
Natural Blood Thinners Are Essential If Your Blood Clots Abnormally
Experts are increasingly promoting the use of natural blood thinners to prevent clotting problems. Nonetheless, you might need to consult with your healthcare provider before indulging in these blood-thinning foods.
It is essential to know that blood thinning drugs remain more effective as compared to natural remedies. Never substitute prescribed anticoagulants with the natural remedies. The best way to use natural blood thinners is as a preventive measure or under your doctor’s guidelines.
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