3 Ways Home Air Quality Can Affect Your Health
When home air quality is poor, new health problems may crop up and pre-existing health problems may worsen. Part of holistic living is making sure that indoor air quality supports whole body health, rather than negatively impacting health.
Boosting air quality inside of your home is a smart way to enhance your personal wellness. Poor indoor air quality may set the stage for cancer, respiratory problems, and headaches.
Poor Indoor Air Quality May Raise Cancer Risk
A home may look fresh and spotless to the naked eye, but be filled with impure air that raises the risk of cancer. Both breast and lung cancers have been linked with poor indoor air quality. If you’re already afflicted with one of these forms of cancer, impure air in your home may exacerbate your pre-existing health problem.
Home air quality may be tainted by a range of toxins, including asbestos, radon, and mold, which contribute to lung disorders, including lung cancer. Women who have already survived breast cancer are at risk of breast cancer recurrences when exposed to air pollution. As you can see, indoor air quality isn’t a minor issue. Improving indoor air quality may save your life and the lives of your loved ones.
Respiratory Tracts May Become Irritated
Are you coughing more than you should be, or getting colds frequently, or dealing with a scratchy throat on a regular basis? If the answer to any or all of these questions is “yes”, your home’s indoor air quality may be the culprit. Impure interior air has the capacity to irritate your respiratory tract. Many symptoms of exposure to subpar air quality, including respiratory irritation and congestion, mimic those of colds and influenza.
If you currently suffer from asthma, problems with indoor air quality may be increasing the frequency and/or severity of your asthma attacks. Whichever respiratory health issues you’re dealing with, you’ll find that improving indoor air quality at home is a smart strategy. Invest in an ultra-modern air purifier that includes an advanced filter to feel better. These air purification systems remove irritants from the environment.
VOCs May Trigger Headaches
VOCs (volatile organic compounds) tend to trigger nasty headaches and may also cause dizziness and nausea. Due to low boiling points, such chemicals have a high level of vapor pressure at typical room temperatures. High vapor pressure causes great quantities of molecules to move from liquids or solids into the air. This phenomenon is called “volatility”.
To banish or reduce VOCs that may be polluting your home and making you feel unwell, consider storing products that contain VOCs, such as furniture polish and certain paints and glues, in your garage or shed. Swap mothballs for cedar chips and think about replacing carpet with hardwood floors. Removing wallpaper is also a good way to decrease VOCs.
Poor air quality is a significant health risk, especially for those who already have health issues. To make your home a healthier, more holistic environment, purify interior air and steer clear of products with VOCs.