25 Worthy Depression Quotes
It is true that life is not all joy. There are different ways of spending it. Similarly there are different stages of life as well. Happiness, sadness, sorrows, pleasures and comforts are all important in life. There is hardly anyone who wants pain or hurdles in life. But it is true that no matter whether he likes difficulties or not has to face them. When a person is sad or depressed then his way of thinking changes. He finds darkness everywhere because his heart does not like anything. David D. Burns once said
“Every time you feel depressed about something, try to identify a corresponding negative thought you had just prior to and during the depression. Because these thoughts have actually created your bad mood, by learning to restructure them, you can change your mood.”
The most important part of life is to gain control on ourselves. When we are not feeling well then rather than looking dull, smiling face serves the purpose. We are the owner of our mood. So if we are sad, we should try to change our mood. Sometimes people leave us and do not help in this condition. So if a person is going through depression then he should help himself. Because no one rather than an individual himself can console him in best way. So we should always develop faith and trust in ourselves. Here are some depression quotes.