7 Tips To Actively Take Care Of Your Mental Health
Mental problems are one of the most common occurrences in the world. Almost half of the entire adult population struggles with a headache at least once a month. The quality of our life directly depends on the work of the brain: when there is fog in your head, you feel tired and unable to think clearly.
How To Improve The Mental Health
Caring for the brain is a contribution to overall health and good prevention of senile diseases. Among many, we chose the best tips to keep the mind healthy.
1. Watch Your Diet
The health of the brain and the development of various brain diseases are very much dependent on what happens in the intestines. You heard right: the most crucial aspect on which a person’s overall well-being and mental health depends is: the state of the intestinal microflora.
It is the internal ecology of the body, which includes various microorganisms that inhabit the intestines, especially bacteria. Therefore, eat healthy food to have a healthy mind.
2. Get Rid Of Toxins
Detoxification can work in many different ways, but it is an integral part of health care. The harmful effects that toxins have on the brain make detoxification an important step in optimizing brain function.
In truth, our body already has its own system for removing toxins and can independently get rid of most of them. But it would be naive to assume that our unhealthy habits will not have any effect on the body system.
For example, through excessive drinking, the pancreas loses its average insulin production. It leads to the creation of toxic substances within the body which can be destructive. Therefore, through detox treatment, get rid of harmful toxic substances from your body before it gets too late and your mental health gets destroyed.
3. Less Trash Light
Today we are exposed to more unnatural light than ever before. Let’s call it a trash light. We are ruining our health by playing with nature and using strange things. Similarly, we are spoiling our health by altering natural light sources and creating trashy lights. Mitochondria (they produce energy that feeds us) do not tolerate it well.
To compensate for the junk lighting (which is almost all artificial light) that you will inevitably be exposed to during weekdays, make sure you get healthy light as well. The best option is sunlight. Go outside in the morning without sunglasses for at least five minutes. Wear revealing clothing to help your body create vitamin D3 sulfate.
Sunlight has the most suitable spectrum for our body: from infrared to ultraviolet. Mitochondria will work best when they receive a signal at the right time of day.
4. Stay Outside The Electromagnetic Field
The process of producing energy in mitochondria is an electrical process. It means that magnets and electromagnetic fields affect mitochondria, and therefore on the body as a whole.
Protect yourself from electromagnetic fields and do not carry your phone in your pants pocket and use a headset when talking on the phone. This, by the way, is another reason to turn off Wi-Fi at night or leave the phone in another room. If you want to increase the level of protection, you can install electrostatic precipitators in your home.
They plug into the outlets and reduce the chaotic reverberation in the home wiring so that you are exposed to fewer diverse electromagnetic fields.
5. Get Enough Sleep
Interestingly, when we sleep, brain cells shrink by almost 60 percent – this makes it easier for fluid to circulate in tissues. After cleaning, the cells return to their standard size. All this contraction, expansion, and pumping of fluid occurs with the participation of mitochondria.
It means that if mitochondria work efficiently, then harvesting will take place faster. It is a mutually beneficial relationship: the better your mitochondria work, the better your lymphatic system functions, and the better you sleep. And the better you sleep, the better your mitochondria work because they have been cleaned off.
In general, if you want to start your day with a fresh mind, you need to get better sleep at night.
6. Stick To A Low-Carb Diet
One of the ways that carbohydrates damage the brain is through spikes in blood sugar. When it rises, there is an immediate decrease in the level of neurotransmitters (these are the primary regulators of your mood and brain function).
At the same time, the supply of vitamin B that is necessary for the production of these neurotransmitters (and several hundred other substances) is completely depleted. The level of magnesium also decreases, which creates difficulties for the functioning of the nervous system and liver. Worse, high blood sugar triggers a reaction called glycation.
In simple terms, this is the attachment of glucose to proteins and certain fats, which increases the stiffness of tissues, including in the brain. In particular, glucose molecules bind with proteins in the brain and create new deadly structures that cause more damage than any other factor. Therefore stick to your carb diet for better mental health.
7. Reduce Calories
By taking less calorie food, a person can deal with depression and stress better. But you need to be mindful of the fact you need to reduce calories based on your body’s needs. Some people require more calories than others.
The low-calorie intake also improves the memory of a person. So a person who takes typically 2000 calories per day should reduce it to 1200 or 1400 for better mental health.
Final Words
You need to make time for yourself, so you can enjoy life. Laugh with your friends; it will help you get rid of stress and have good mental health. If your friends are not around, you can watch a funny TV serial or movie.
However, you need to find support if you are continually feeling down and none of these tips is making a difference. You could be encountering side effects of a psychological issue and should look for professional assistance.