7 Professional Tips to Help Speed up Your Septoplasty Recovery
A deviated septum can have devastating effects on your quality of life. Septoplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to correct your deviated septum. It improves airflow through your nose and alleviates any breathing problems you may have. If you’re looking for treatment through septoplasty in Newport Beach, you may find the following information helpful.
Why Get a Septoplasty?
The septum is the wall of bone that separates your nose into two nostrils. When your septum is deviated, either as a birth defect or through an injury, you may experience breathing problems. Many patients with a misaligned septum complain of:
- Snoring
- Runny nose
- Difficulty breathing
- Postnasal drip
- Chronic sinusitis
- Frequent headaches
- Nosebleeds
- Facial pain
- Sleep apnea
Most treatment options for a deviated septum may improve your symptoms temporarily, without offering permanent relief. Septoplasty is the only treatment that actually addresses your nasal anatomical issues with a long term solution.
Septoplasty Recovery
Recovering from a septoplasty surgery is fairly easy. The following is a list of various do’s and don’ts to help you get the best results in the shortest time possible. You can apply these tips along with the comprehensive list of post-procedure advice your doctor will give you.
Clean The Surgical Site Regularly
Keeping the area around your nose clean will reduce your chances of infection. Dab around the site with a cotton swab to clean any discharge, and use a damp cloth to wash your face regularly. You should also substitute your daily showers with a bath so that you don’t risk getting your bandages wet.
Although most doctors will remove your bandages for you when it’s time, if you do it yourself, try not to dislodge any supports placed around your nose.
Avoid Any Strenuous Activities
Strenuous physical activities and sports increase your chances of getting injured or developing complications. When you strain yourself, your heart rate spikes and increases blood circulation which can result in swelling. Furthermore, you may bump or hit your unhealed nose, which can be a setback.
Like most surgical procedures, septoplasty requires recovery time. After the surgery, take enough time off from work and your daily routine to give your body time to heal. Doctors recommend you relax at home for at least seven days.
Take Slow Walks
After at least a week of resting, you can start taking short strolls outside. The activity and added oxygen will increase your blood circulation and help draw toxins away from your nasal area. Make sure, however, not to strain your body during the walk as you still need the energy to recover.
Stay Hydrated
Water flushes the toxins from your body and prevents swelling. Drink enough water every day and couple it with food rich in restorative nutrients, fiber, and protein. Specialists recommend that you eliminate fatty or sugary foods from your diet as they can cause bowel problems.
Avoid Hot or Spicy Foods
Eating spicy foods irritates your nasal lining and sinuses, which increases fluid buildup. This may cause your nose and the area around it to swell, and therefore hindering your recovery.
Switch from Glasses to Contacts
Glasses exert stress on the bridge of your nose and may injure you, or slow your recovery process. Go for alternatives like contact lenses or suspending your frames through a headband.
Final Thoughts
Your body needs all the help it can get to recover completely. For the best results, stay away from stress and strain during your downtime.
Most importantly, if you develop any complications after your septoplasty procedure, call Alexis Furze, MD and his team of professionals for follow-up treatment.