7 Ideas to Make Your Loved Ones Move to California a Welcoming One!
Whether you have a loved one from your friends or family moving to the mesmerizing Golden state or you’re welcoming new neighbors to your area, it’s a great gesture to help them feel comfortable and welcomed.
Not only does it give you an opportunity to have a great time together, you’ll also be able to watch out for each other’s neighborly needs.
This post is intended to highlight 7 creative ideas to make your loved ones move to California a welcoming one:
Bring a Home-Made Treat
“Hello and welcome to California, I made you some cookies.” While it may sound quite conventional and tacky, the fact is that your loved ones would love it. Yes, you can bring any hand-made dessert including muffins, cookies or a cake to show how deeply you care about that specific person. However, just make sure to consider is they have any sort of food allergies or dietary preferences. For instance, there are people who prefer vegan food over meat, while there are many who don’t consume wheat or milk products due to gluten allergies and dairy sensitivity respectively. If you’re bringing anything as a token of love for a relative or a friend, you might know about their prevailing condition, but obviously you will not be sure about your neighbors. Well, in that case, try to a fruit basket!
Host a Dinner
Hosting a dinner containing any local-made delight would be a great idea too. Give your loved ones a few days to settle down first and then host a grand dinner to get them introduced to the local specialties. Invite some other guests too, especially if you have some more relatives or friends living nearby, as it will help your newly-moved contact to meet with some more people and establish new relationships.
Deliver Some Fresh Flowers or Herbs
If you have a kitchen garden set up inside your home, you can present your loved ones with some freshly picked herbs. In addition to that, a fresh flower bouquet with a heart-melting personalized note, can also add a touch of warmth and care.
Provide a National Safety Directory
Jot down a comprehensive list of all the important details, including phone numbers for schools, salons, spas, government offices, emergency medical care and the police department. Organize all these details in to a 3-ring binder so that it will be easier for them to use this information. In fact, you can also provide your loved ones with a National Safety Directory which is an ultimate resource to track down contacts for crime prevention centers, disaster management tips, and robbery prevention tips. By doing so, you will help your loved ones have a clear idea about each and every important aspect they’ll need to know to feel informed and instructed.
Bring a Gift Basket
Bringing gifts for those moving to California can be a great idea too. When it comes to presenting your loved ones with anything, obviously there are no strict rules. You can gift them whatever you want. However, if possible, try to gift something that will help them better understand the local culture. For instance, you can prepare a customized gift basket carrying some local goodies like bread, cheese and wine. You can also include some brochures, menus of the well-known restaurants, a small directory covering all the local destinations where they can have great time with their family, etc.
Take Them Out for a One-Day City Visit
This is certainly one of the most valuable things you can do to introduce your loved ones to the city of sun and warmth. Once they get completely settled in their new home, plan a one-day trip to display all the local areas including library’s, gym’s or consumer stores to make them feel more comfortable and familiar with the new surroundings.
Connect with Local Groups
If you have a clear idea about your loved one’s preferences, it would be great to introduce them to any local groups that facilitate their interest. For instance, if you know they’re interested in book reading, you may introduce them to a book club. Similarly, if they have kids or a family, you can take them to the local play areas or family-friendly restaurants to spend quality time in the new city.
Honestly, a warm greeting with a smile can make your loved ones feel just as welcome. However, these small loving gestures will literally make your loved ones, friends and family, fall in love with you all over again. Also, you can expect small favors from them if you’re say out of town in the future. Take a hint from this post and make your loved ones feel special and welcomed to the new city.