5 Ways to Prevent Roofing Problems
No one wants a roofing problem. Yet, ignoring the fact that something may happen is the exact opposite of what you should do. Rather than bury your head in the sand and pretend a few missing shingles or a leak could never happen to you, it’s a much better idea to learn ways to prevent such issues. The experts over at https://cvcpdx.com/ suggest you contact roofing contractors to do so.
Regularly Inspect Your Roof
Once a year, it’s important to thoroughly examine your roof. If you aren’t comfortable with getting onto your roof, that’s okay. Simply call a professional roofing company with crew members who have the experience and equipment to inspect your roof meticulously and safely. The roof inspectors will look for shingles that are not securely fastened or that are bent, bowed, cracked, or broken. They will also look for flashing that has moved out of place, roof cement around chimneys and vents that may have cracked, and other signs of impending problems.
Clear Branches Away From Your Roof
If part of a tree is touching, almost touching, or resting on your roof, that’s a major cause for concern. Branches hanging over your roof can come crashing down onto it. Another major cause of serious damage to roofs is the presence of dead tree limbs still attached or lying in the yard that can be easily picked up and turned into a “wind missile” during a storm. Clearing all junk off your property and trimming trees that overhang your roof greatly reduces both of these risks.
Check Your Attic
You can learn a lot about your roof in your attic. Go up in the middle of the day, leave the attic light off, and see if there are any points where light is shining from the outside. Light and air leaks will become water leaks in a storm. Also look for any type of discoloration or what appears to be stains on the rafters, plywood, and the wood beams of the attic floor. Also, check around for insulation that is damaged.
Clear Your Gutters
Over time, leaves, branches, animal droppings, and other natural debris pile up in your gutters. Clogged gutters and drains can cause water to pool on your roof. This is something you want to avoid. Giving your roof’s gutters and drains a periodic check for clogs is vital to ensure that your roof’s gutters and drains will direct water to flow away from your roof. This will help prevent any potential damage.
Repair the Seals, Joints, and Flashing
If you notice an issue, it’s important to get a small problem fixed before it becomes a big one. Seals, joints, and flashing are the most common places for roof leaks. Dried or loose sealant and punctures are signs of your roof’s vulnerability to the elements, and also a sign things will get worse if not addressed.
Extending the life of your roof comes down to taking immediate action once you identify a problem. These five tips will help you do it.