5 Steps in Improving Your Carbon Footprint
We all want to make a difference, and with multi-billion-dollar juggernauts gulping down energy and using environmentally damaging practices, it’s natural to feel a little small under the weight of it all.
But small doesn’t mean ineffective! A little deed, when done in large numbers, can make some remarkable changes to the world.
Ready to make these 5 small steps in making a big dent in your carbon footprint? Let’s begin!
At home
Of course, adding solar panels to your roof would be wonderful. But not everyone can afford it, so let’s focus on the little everyday things we can do to make a big difference.
Insulating your home will reduce heating bills considerably. This is easily done with caulk. Not only will you be doing your bit for the environment, but you’ll get rid of those pesky draughts too!
Need a new washing machine or fridge? Find energy-conscious appliances! Be mindful of turning off lights in rooms you’re leaving, and while we’re at it, some LED lightbulbs are ideal for reducing that carbon footprint.
At work
If your boss is in a particularly good mood, why not politely enquire about their methods of business waste disposal? You’ll be surprised at how approachable modern companies can be about initiatives to go green.
Be kind to your printer. It works hard and deserves a break. Only use it when absolutely necessary. Even then, print double-sided docs to save trees!
We all like to sprint out of work on a Friday, but be sure to turn off your computer monitor before you leave! If you’re feeling brave, try to sneak a cycle-to-work scheme into office conversations.
The majority of cheap fashion items are made in China and Bangladesh. This requires mammoth fuel usage in shipping them across the globe. Worse still, these clothes tend to quickly fall out of fashion trends, resulting in vast landfills full of them.
While money can be a factor in our purchasing choices, quality clothing that lasts for a long time works out at about the same price as buying several cheaper versions over the course of a year.
Start your day with a good walk. If you’re able, keep the car at home and get stepping! Don’t like the idea of a long walk? Convince a colleague to car share to work! If the car share can’t happen then take public transportation!
Put off by another person’s armpit in your face during rush hour? Dust off that bike and reintroduce yourself to the thrill of cycling!
All of these small changes significantly reduce CO2 emissions. Fewer cars on the road mean less traffic, and fewer engines coughing smog into that lovely blue sky.
With food
The efficiency of your fridge can change significantly based on where it’s placed in your kitchen. If it’s kept away from direct sunlight and there’s a good few inches of distance between the fridge and the area it occupies, its air can circulate better.
Looking for locally made organic food and eating a little less meat can also be important eco-factors. Unlike vegetables, meat production needs vast land and constant use of large energy sources, in comparison to its fresh and crunchy local counterparts.
In five small steps, we’ve made an eco-conscious leap into vastly improving your carbon footprint. Implement these daily changes and you’ll not only help change the planet’s environment but also inspire others to do the same.