5 Major Construction Tech Trends to Watch in 2020
Technology has become an enabler for many industries. That’s why all industries are using technology in one way or the other to improve the efficiency of their operation. The construction industry is one of the biggest beneficiaries of technology advancement. It has adopted the use of drones, virtual reality, wearable technologies, and other tech trends that have transformed construction operations.
Going forward, we expect that more Tech blogs will help improve the operations in this industry. So what do we expect in 2020? Well, we have rounded up five construction tech trends to watch in 2020.
5 Major Construction Tech Trends To Watch In 2020
1. The Internet of Things (IoT)
The use of IoT technology is expected to thrive in 2020 as the technology becomes even more polished. For the construction industry, the technology is expected to be adopted in a big way to help manage information for various uses.
First, the tech will be used to improve the safety of the work on the site, especially with smart devices. The use of embedded sensors on the website is one way that the security at the site will be improved. Instead of using grabber cones, tech gadgets will start taking over.
Or we can have grabber cones communicating with other devices in the system.
In addition, the sensor will be useful in collecting and managing data on material performance, operational workflow, among others. The integration of the IoT will also provide vital data that can be useful to the management. So it will be one of the tech trends to watch in 2020.
2. Predictive Analytics
This is another exciting technology that we expect to see developing as a significant tech trend in the construction industry in 2020.
Predictive technology is likely to rely on the already emerging technology such as IoT, machine learning, AI, and so on to provide insight on topics such as safety, budget outlook, and scheduling operations, among other users.
The predictive analytics technology will provide a new approach to problem-solving data processing issues. It will provide a way of predicting patterns in the construction industry to helps the project manager fix anticipated problems before they happen. That is how powerful this technology will be once it’s fully adopted.
3. AI and Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine are the next big things in the construction. Although we have seen the adoption of technology in 2019, we expect to see more of it in 2020. AI and IoT go hand in hand.
The primary use of the AI is to manage the information that has been collected by the IoT and provide refined real-time information to management. Therefore, AI and Machine Learning will help in processing construction data faster.
AI and Machine learning will mostly help in flagging the most critical issues that the management needs to look based on the information collected by the IoT.
So it will ensure a smooth running of the operations on a construction site. That’s why it is one of the technologies that we expect to see in 2020.
4. Augmented Reality
Augmented reality or virtual reality has been used in the construction industry in 2019 but on a small scale. So we are expecting that 2020 is the year that the tech will be integrated fully into this industry.
The technology will be useful in various functions in the construction industry and more so the installation. The AR and VR 3D will be beneficial for complicated installation where precision is a crucial consideration.
The technology will also help reduce the reworking, which is usually an unnecessary expensive cost to the contractor. It will also help reduces cases of accidents in the construction sites as well as improve the general safety of the website. If you have used the Daqri helmet, then you know what we are talking about.
5. Autonomous Equipment
Automation will entrench more into the construction industry in 2020. We expect to see more robot adoption in most of the construction works hence reducing reliance on human labor and as well as improve the safety of workers.
A good case of the autonomous equipment is the use of drones for the inspection of the construction site.
We will no longer have technicians climbing scaffolds to get an aerial view of the site. That means the introduction of drones will improve the safety of the technician. In addition, we can also have grabber cones that also communicate with other machines.
The continued adoption of the automated rovers is also something that we are expecting will revolutionize the construction in 2020 on matters automation.