5 Best Credit Card with the Best Reward Programs
Most of us use a credit card on a daily basis. It’s just easier. After all, who wants to carry around a huge wad of cash and worry about getting the right change back when you make a purchase? But convenience is not the only reason to use a credit card. Even buying groceries will be rewarded when you use the right card. A cash back rewards credit card is an excellent solution for anyone looking to get another credit card or to replace one currently being used. Many of these rewards cards give you rewards on all purchases by the way, not just gas and groceries. A good credit remuneration card can provide to your retirement account, can be used for vacation tickets or take multiple off the price of your next auto buying or offer gas rebates. Rewards at airlines, hotels, and retailers bring more to the events but, adds to the complexity.
The reasons that propel people to go ahead with credit cards having reward programs are listed below:
- If you are going to use a credit card anyway, you are losing money if you don’t use a cash back credit card. A cash back card will allow you to save money on things you are going to buy anyway. That is the equivalent of using a cash back rewards credit card for your purchases.
- Most of us use a credit card on a daily basis. It’s just easier. After all, who wants to carry around a huge wad of cash and worry about getting the right change back when you make a purchase? Get credit cards with the best rewards because you will save money on several aspects and also gas purchases.
- A rewards credit card will make it cheaper for groceries. Some cards even have a double cashback rewards program on groceries purchased in November and December. Many of these rewards cards give you rewards on all purchases by the way, not just gas and groceries.
- Many credit cards with rewards have no annual fee and 0% APR. A card that will give you 5% back on gas and groceries and tons of other purchases can also offer a 0% APR for 12 months.
- It is safer than using cash or a debit card. When money is fraudulently taken out of your bank account through your debit card, it can be very difficult to get it back. So it is actually safer to use a credit card because even if it is stolen, one simple phone call and your card will be useless to the frustrated thief.
Here are 5 best Credit Card with the Best Reward Programs that an individual should avail
1. American Express
These cards come with several benefits and incentives. Here are few of the American Express credit cards currently available in the market: Blue from American Express, Blue Sky from American Express, Blue Cash, Blue for Students, Clear from American Express, Optima Platinum Card.
The company also produces city-based credit cards like New York City Card, Los Angeles Card, and Chicago Card. It allows a balance that is low in amount transfer fixed APR of 3.99% until the excess is paid off in full. The American Express credit card also allows a credit card for the owners of small business. You can obtain a credit card with cash back, shopping rewards airline awards and travel. They even give credit cards are the Best Credit Card with no pre-set limit, complimentary first year, low introduction APR, and no yearly fee for the small business in the country.
2. Mbna Mastercard
MBNA platinum plus mastercard is one of the most established banks in the United States. There are numerous other advantages of using the card. From low-rate cards to cashback and rewards, MBNA could have a credit card to satisfy your requirements.
3. Capital One
Capital one is listed 11th on the list of greatest banks in the United States by assets. Capital One announces credit cards in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada, and is the 3rd largest credit card issuer, after Citigroup and JP Morgan Chase. Capital One credit cards are accessible to an individual of all credit levels, from bad to best. This is one important reason why Capital One is among the market’s most widespread and best credit card companies.
4. Chase Freedom
Currently, the Chase Freedom Card has a rewards program that works in a number of ways. On every purchase, you will get 1 percent cash-back. The card also carries 3 percent cash back in various categories, such as department stores and gas, at various times throughout the year. In addition to these, Chase incorporates a method that will give you 10 to 20 percent cash back when you make special buying online.
5. Ink Business Preferred
It soon became one of the most used and popular small business credit cards. The ideas are compelling: a powerful sign-up bonus, the capacity to earn triple points in several categories, numerous options for redeeming those points and unique benefits such as cell phone protection that isn’t offered by other cards. From Trip Delay and Cancellation Insurance too, Primary Car Rental Insurance, Baggage and Travel Accident Insurance, this credit card covers it all. Monitoring of real-time account along with protection against Fraud is also provided. Other benefits are that one can get Employee cards at no extra cost. For purchases made outside the US, No foreign transaction fees are charged. There is Zero liability protection that is an individual will not be held responsible for charges that are unauthorized.
Overall whenever a financial transaction involves a credit card use always remember to use it after reading or knowing the terms and conditions. The above mentioned 5 Credit Cards are the Best Credit Card as they indeed offer great Reward Programs.
To avail, the perks use rewards credit cards for every money you spend simply in the form of points that are redeemable. For people who don’t carry monthly credit card balance Rewards credit cards are ideal.