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4 Ways to Take Aesthetically Pleasing Photos

Aesthetic is the appreciation of beauty and all elements related to it makes something appealing to us. Of course, there are no hard and fast rules about what makes something beautiful but you get the gist. 

That said, the increasing importance of aesthetics in photography has become even more emphasised in all types of photography. Whether you consider a professional photographer in Milton Keynes such as DW Images or amateur photographers who are just starting out, they’ll all tell you the importance of taking aesthetic pictures.

However, if you’re looking for a few tips and techniques on ways to take aesthetically pleasing photos that help you step up your photography skills, we’ve got you covered.

Here are a few tips to help you get started, let’s take a look!

  1. Excellent Composition

In simple words, composition means putting everything together. No matter what the purpose of the image is, composition is key in making everything look cohesive and aesthetically pleasing. 

Good composition enraptures the viewers and keeps them hooked without confusing them. This makes following the rule of thirds important. This rule  includes placing nine equal rectangles by two horizontal and two vertical lines intersecting each other and your subject at the intersection of the lines.

However, sticking to this is not mandatory as you have room to incorporate creativity in your technique. The end result gives you a cohesive and well-planned picture that looks effortless – it’s definitely a win!

  1. Customise Them According to the Platform

Social media is a game-changer that is used by almost everyone. If you’re clicking pictures for business or personal purposes, you need to personalise it according to the platform you’ll be using them for.

Since each platform has its nuances, your photograph needs to cater to the platform’s themes in terms of technicalities and overall layout. For example, if you consider Instagram, you’ll notice that all pictures need to be square shaped and accompanied with a catchy caption.

Since square images challenge the rule of thirds, your photographs need to be according to the platform you’ll be using them for.

  1. Create a Style / Theme

From people who are interested in photography to influencers and hobbyists, there are many people looking to take aesthetically pleasing photos. Whilst most of them may have technicalities sorted, you’ll notice one thing in common across all modern photography – a theme or style.

Whether it is platform-specific, for businesses or simply for personal use, a theme or style helps you design elements of the photograph to make them unique and catchy. 

Be it something bright and bold or subtle and understated, according to the purpose of your photograph, you can find a suitable theme or style that lets your image come together in the best way possible. The best way in achieving this is by finalising on a theme for the images.

  1. Focus On the Post-Production Process

The process of clicking a picture is not complete with just the action of taking pictures on the camera, the post-production process is important too. With several editing apps and software available, pictures can be enhanced to the best of their potential with several unique options that let you target different aspects of the image.

From simple things such as brightness and contrast to removing shadows and improving perspective, there are tons of things you can do to fix certain elements in your clicked pictures to improve the quality.

While many photographs look simple and effortless, only the photographer knows the effort that went behind into bringing all the elements together. This is further enhanced by the post production process, making it an important angle everyone needs to focus on.

To Sum Up…

Contrary to what it may look like, taking aesthetic photos is no cakewalk. It requires a considerable amount of effort on your part to get the results you want. That said, there are a few basic tips and techniques that everyone can follow to make their pictures more aesthetically pleasing.

While we’ve compiled only a few of the different techniques you can consider, there are several more ideas that every photographer can explore to get the best aesthetic shots. While some may work well, some may not, so the important thing is that you get out there and try to see what works best for you!